Mario pictures

The image above looks like Mario's celebrating some awards ceremony. If this is being put into Super Mario Odyssey, it will probably be the first time something from Mario Party is being used in a non-Mario Party game.

I really liked how shiny Mario is being dressed here.

Thank you for reading.

Her waist is definitely thicker, her head is smaller (Which I saw in the gameplay footage), she has realistic hair (Duh!), and her eyes are bluer. And if you zoom in; her dress has sequins in the shapes of pixels and hearts. (I noticed the dress was shiny in the E3 trailer)
Yep. Right here we've got a more realistic Pauline.
Maybe we'll know better if we played Odyssey.
Her Final Smash better be called Night Mayor.
Actually, come to think of that, they should have used that for the Villager.
J-Yoshi64 said:
What would Pauline even DO in Smash Bros.? Use Minis and barrels to attack? Not that I'd complain.

Personally, I think that a trophy cameo or stage cameo seem to be Pauline's best bet.
Thats a lot of boomers.
We spawn them and then kill them immediately with a kill button.
And I'm sure them looking like Wario has NOTHING to do with that. ;)

please notice this Superstar Saga fanpeoples
Ok it's not a picture but dammit I love this.
