Rant here

welp, here goes.

I fucking hate it when you don't get a good grade on your test and your teacher's all like "hey look at me im gonna be a complete dang ol' douchey dick bout the fact you don't have a good grade lol you didn't bother learning you claude" and you're just sitting there like "WELL MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T GIVE FUCKING MATH/GERMAN PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE GOD DANG SAYING" but they HAVE to be all like " no man you just didn't learn you dumb fucking piece of trash" EVEN THOUGH YOU TOTALLY FUCKING LEARNED BUT THE COURSE IS JUST A REAL DANG PIECE OF GOD DAMN ASS GOSH DANG PAIN IN THE ANUS, but oooh no, who the fuck cares bout learning, it's all BOUT THE FUCKING GRADES! though for the rest of the classes im like fucking doing pretty swell.

and then there's my father. he's all like "blech im a dang old old fashioned guy, men cant have long hair be bald like me you like like a girl you dingus" and he doesn't understand that my reaction to that would just be a look of pure anger, shock and just plain ol disgust of what he said. like cmon my hair has just been cut it doesnt even reach the bottom of my neck and EVEN FUCKING THEN WHO GIVES A SHIT I FEEL MUCH MORE SECURE AND BETTER WITH MYSELF NOW BUT NOOOOOO YOU FUCKING HAVE TO THINK OF YOUR "REPUTATION" FIRST BECAUSE THATS A LOT MORE GOD DAMN IMPORTANT
I hate when teachers don't tell you homework or anything when your class is not listening at all or that look on Google Drive to see you homework assignments. I had a 4 day weekend and I still am not sure if I am doing the correct homework. And also the fact that now most assignments have to be shared to your teacher on Google Drive. I always have the feeling I never share it or they don't see it and I get called out because I didn't turn in an assignment. What happened to using your assignment notebook, giving us sheets on what to do and handing it in when class starts? Overall I just hate homework assignments online.
YoshiGo99 said:
I hate when teachers don't tell you homework or anything when your class is not listening at all or that look on Google Drive to see you homework assignments. I had a 4 day weekend and I still am not sure if I am doing the correct homework. And also the fact that now most assignments have to be shared to your teacher on Google Drive. I always have the feeling I never share it or they don't see it and I get called out because I didn't turn in an assignment. What happened to using your assignment notebook, giving us sheets on what to do and handing it in when class starts? Overall I just hate homework assignments online.
I agree with you. I hate it how homework is assigned online; it's even worse than handouts. Also, this whole process sounds so convoluted. I'm sure a lot of people didn't turn in homework or completely forgot about it. This process can go wrong in so many ways.
It wouldn't be so bad if they actually taught you the process.

Ugh, I remember when Blackboard was first incorporated and I had no idea what I was doing, no session teaching students what the website was for or how to use it.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh time to vent

First my laptop shits itself for no apparent reason

Then iOS 8 breaks half the functionality on my iPad as well as turning it into a piece of shit

Then whenever I use the family computer while my parents aren't around to kick me off it I'm reminded that I could do what took me 40 fucking minutes on that thing in 5 minutes on my dead laptop

And then randomly my headphones decide to shit themselves

I love it. I. Fucking. Love. It. What will break next let's take bets. My wii u, my 3ds, or me.
YoshiGo99 said:
Same thing happened to me once, never take an AP class and expect to ace it with minimal work just because you did well enough last year
I am REALLY pissed off right now, so I decided to rant in here.

I fucking hate it when your friends over the internet are douchebags! You all know TailsX10 by now, right? Well, at first, she was the best friend in this whole wide world, but then IIB0ssB0y, formerly asboy123456 came in and made a fucking twat out of her! That dirty, stuck-up, sadistic asshole made Tails into a goofy, jerk-offing douchebag who only cares about her motherfucking pranks and trollery! She talked me into many things, including giving away my ROBLOX password! She's THAT manipulative! She's got the brainpower of Br'er Rabbit, Bugs Bunny and Babs and Buster Bunny COMBINED and is more annoying than Annoying Orange, Huey, Duey and Louie Duck and Spongebob Squarepants COMBINED! She's a crooked jerky fatso who is addicted to Russell Howard, and a dirty traitorous troll!

I may have sounded brutal, but I am THAT angry...
you sound really young, like a middleschooler or something

are you sure you're supposed to be on the internet

maybe there are lots of 16 year olds like that? i don't know

the closest reference i have is my brother (who's also 16) but he's actually really mature so i don't know what to say. almost as mature as i am, lol
Believe me, Jav, that's really not the case. This person is just.... extremely obsessed with roblox and its users Well, that's at least what I'm gathering from his posts.
I've calmed down, and about what you said, ARFU: ROBLOX is one of the few cool building places on the entire internet, and one of the few places where I can roleplay with people.
Driftmas said:
I find it kind of unfair to lump SM64 and SMS courses together. (the SM64 ones always come out on top)
I have never played SM64 and i lied when i said this. Sorry guys. I have lied in a lot of posts and I want, in the coming months, to restate them truthfully. And also I'l Hindu, so driftmas doesn't apply to me xD.
Forgive me, but I am in a ranty mood right now. I realize I may have said some of this before, but I need to vent.

For those who care...
My life has been a whirlwind of failure and heartbreak these past two years. If my stupid stepmother hadn't kicked me out and sent me back to New York... Things would've been very different, lets put it that way. I love my mom, but she isn't exactly strict enough on me to help me start living independently. So I've spent these last two years on this website and a couple others, just wasting my fucking life away. That's what drives me mad. My dad and stepmother could've kept me there long enough to help me move out into my own place, I could've kept my beloved girlfriend and been a happy person. BUT NO. They had to send me away from my love, miles and miles away, to the point where she gave up on me and found someone else. Like I had a choice in the matter? Pah. Two years ago I foresaw myself married by now, with a job at Nintendo working on the next Paper Mario game, set for success in a nice house. Now that may not have been, but I certainly didn't want THIS. Still living with my mother, the Internet my only way to truly vent. I don't think my life will ever be the same again, I'm already set for failure. I'm scared to death of driving, scared to death to get a job, scared of living on my own. The highlight of my day is talking to my ....friend on Facebook, but even that reminds me that we used to not just be friends. It was so much more, and I long for things to go back to being that way. But they probably never will, and here I am, a failure at life. I will never find my soulmate now, and I will never fulfill my dream of being a developer at Nintendo. I have failed. All because the people who could've helped me succeed cast me aside. I know I might yet succeed, but as for right now I'm in a tough place. Ugghhhh......
It makes angry when I was cursed and my voice becomes temporarily unintelligible and I have to repeat more than 1 time or even 3. This happened ever since 2008 and it never leaves. I am so frustrated because of this!!!
yoshiking14x said:
It makes angry when I was cursed and my voice becomes temporarily unintelligible and I have to repeat more than 1 time or even 3. This happened ever since 2008 and it never leaves. I am so frustrated because of this!!!
That happens to me to sometimes. When I'm talking, my voice just dies and I can't say or explain anything, which sucks because it's usually during presentations or outside during a conversation.