How do you prefer your game's difficulty, in general?

Easy poll, just pick a straightforward answer

  • Really Easy

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Easy

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Normal

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • Hard

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • Really Hard

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters

Xiahou Ba

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Ray Trace
Me, I prefer the easy side when it comes to playing video games.
difficult, but in a non-luck based way

for example turning up the difficulty of bioshock infinite is very fun to me because i actually have to plan ahead and have that exhilerating feel that "i'm about to die aaaaaah" that you don't get at lower difficulties


i hate turning up the difficulty in fire emblem because it just gives all the enemies stupidly high numbers and the only real way to win is through sheer luck and hoping you don't get hit by a crit or miss or lasndlfajshdlfkjnasdf
I play most games on the standard difficulty, if there's an option to adjust it. Whether or not I go higher or lower after that depends on the game and my performance.
Depends on the game. I prefer when it lets you set the difficulty, such as CPU levels in smash. I usually stay on the easy side but sometimes try out harder challenges. But stuff like the Perfect Run can go **** itself.
I play on the default difficulty usually, I change it if the game is too easy and lower it if it's too hard.

I like a little bit of a challenge so a little harder than the default is welcome.
Anna said:
wow, they really introduced a ton of new tactics for awakening, huh

I'd rather not have a really difficult game since I play games for fun more than anything and if it's too difficult it takes away from that
I'm not against hard games, sometimes they're worth the agony but I tend to stick to the lighter side of things
If it's not really challenging, it's not fun. If it's overly hard, it's not fun. In reality, games are like steak.
IceCreamRain said:
Anna said:
wow, they really introduced a ton of new tactics for awakening, huh
playing awakening on lunatic difficulty is just dumb and i advise anyone to avoid it at all costs

unless you enjoy save scumming to make any progress
Normal or Hard, like both for different reasons.
I love the harder side of games (challenges are great), but if it's too hard for me it'd start to take away from my enjoyment of the game, though this has only really happened once.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.

I got to the very end of the game, and I spent several weeks trying to beat this boss but couldn't for the life of me. My interest in the game waned, but I started a new file on an easier difficulty in an attempt to actually be able to beat the game. Didn't actually get back to the point on the easier difficulty because my interest was so low, and now I don't even have the game any more so I couldn't pick it up again even if I wanted to.
ice you fool that's one of the best 3ds games

I gave up on bravely default several times because I could not beat the bosses no matter what I tried
I'm actually doing that now iirc
IceCreamRain said:
ice you fool that's one of the best 3ds games

Icicle please, I know that, why did you think I got the game in the first place?

That aside, Bravely Default actually lets you change the difficulty while playing on a file, so I dunno why you didn't just lower it in the past if you were struggling so much.
i played about forty minutes of bravely default and decided that i hated it

i generally dislike jrpgs unless they change up the battle system (e.g. paper mario or mario & luigi)
Robin said:
That aside, Bravely Default actually lets you change the difficulty while playing on a file, so I dunno why you didn't just lower it in the past if you were struggling so much.

well you see
I'm playing on easy anyway
depends on the game really, though in general hard is the best
@people who say "it depends"

that's why I said "in general"
One of my gaming sins is that I usually play on the easiest difficulty.

Unless it's a Smash or Mario Tennis game, I play against max level computers.