How do you like your Smash Bros.?

Xiahou Ba

If I know my father....he'd be smiling!
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Ray Trace
This is how I typically play Super Smash Bros. Melee

Giant Melee
2.0 damage ratio
Bob-omb, Motion-Sensor Bomb, Screw Attack, Warp Star, Freezie, Mega Mushroom, Parasol, Poke Balls, Super Scope, Party Ball, all on Very High
17 minute timed match (occasionally with coins)
If the CPUs are on the same team, turn Team Attack on (also, there is ALWAYS four characters at a time, the CPUs are all level 9)
-2 for every SD to your score

My twin and I are total pros with these settings
Ninelevendo said:
Bomb Items only (on high), Mushroomy Kingdom, Damage 2.0, use bombs wisely.
Oh, god, try Smart Bombs. The lag is pretty bad, especially underground.

Baby Luigi, you need to mention how we play with the music off as well.
with eggs and bacon

I like it with Level 5 CPU's (not that good yet) and just regular fighting, no special rules. Sudden Death is on. I don't care which stage as long as it's not shitty.
Dr. Mario said:
Ninelevendo said:
Bomb Items only (on high), Mushroomy Kingdom, Damage 2.0, use bombs wisely.
Oh, god, try Smart Bombs. The lag is pretty bad, especially underground.
Smart Bombs are the whole fun of it. :3

Rosalina and Luma said:
I like it with Level 5 CPU's (not that good yet) and just regular fighting, no special rules. Sudden Death is on. I don't care which stage as long as it's not *bleep*ty.
You can turn sudden death off?
Ninelevendo said:
Rosalina and Luma said:
I like it with Level 5 CPU's (not that good yet) and just regular fighting, no special rules. Sudden Death is on. I don't care which stage as long as it's not *bleep*ty.
You can turn sudden death off?
I don't know, but I added it there just in case.
Ninelevendo said:
Rosalina and Luma said:
I like it with Level 5 CPU's (not that good yet) and just regular fighting, no special rules. Sudden Death is on. I don't care which stage as long as it's not *bleep*ty.
You can turn sudden death off?
You can make it into auto sudden death in Special Barlw.... I think that's what she meant.
Dr. Mario said:
Ninelevendo said:
Rosalina and Luma said:
I like it with Level 5 CPU's (not that good yet) and just regular fighting, no special rules. Sudden Death is on. I don't care which stage as long as it's not *bleep*ty.
You can turn sudden death off?
You can make it into auto sudden death in Special Barlw.... I think that's what she meant.
Not exactly. I just added it just in case you could, I can't remember
Assist Trophies only so extra characters can join the Brawl.

3 stock

Random opponents and stages

Or sometimes I set all 4 characters on level 9 CPUs, and enjoy the show.
Dr. Mario said:
Baby Luigi, you need to mention how we play with the music off as well.

oh yeah

and also, we play with -2 to your score every time you get an sd

so if you kill yourself with a bomb, you get -3
4-6 Stocks and either none or light on items. I'm not entirely strict on items, but just a small amount is good enough for me. And sometimes I'll turn off the really cheap ones (Ex: the Hydra pieces)
Hydra pieces?
I think I prefer the giant laser (the "new" Dragoon) over the Dragoon this time. I wonder if you're going to turn THAT off as well...
Dr. Mario said:
I think I prefer the giant laser (the "new" Dragoon) over the Dragoon this time. I wonder if you're going to turn THAT off as well...

I usually have all items on anyway if I want to play with items. Sometimes I want to restrict it to items that don't always lead to instant kills though (Like restricting the items to ones that were in Super Smash Bros. 64 for example, Hammers may count as cheap weapons but it takes a good three hits if your foe began with 0% damage and also Hammers have the chance of breaking). So usually I'll have that on, but in times I want to restrict the items a bit but still have some items. THen it will probably be off.
no items
fox only
final destination

though seriously I do 5 stock matches. usually with either no items or only one item on high frequency. also I always keep the cpu on level 9 unless i'm just beating a character up 4 le lulz.
Cynthia said:
3 stocks
Infinite time
No items
Final Destination, Battlefield, and Castle Siege

I know, I'm boring.
It's called a standard. ^^'
Four stocks
8 minutes
No items
Battlefield, Fountain of Dreams, Yoshi's Story, Dreamland (64), Final Destination, and Pokemon Stadium only.


I suck at this game, BTW. Just a heads up.

2 Stocks
3 Minutes
Level 5 CPUs
Items off
Any stage besides Mute City, Fountain of Dreams, or Venom (Just because they make my emulator lag like fuck for some reason)

2 Stocks
3 Minutes
Level 7 CPUs
Random character CPUs
Items off
Any stage besides New Pork City, Mario Bros, Hanenbow, or 75m.

Brawl with my Dad:
Team Battle (We're always blue team)
2 Stocks
No time limit
Level 5 CPUs
Random character CPUs
Items off
Any stage besides New Pork City, Mario Bros, Hanenbow, or 75m.

We also make it a habit never to include Olimar in our battles. If he shows up, we reset and try again.
Three words.

With a FLOWER.
On a custom made stage FILLED WITH FREAKIN SPIKES.
With fast speed.
For 5 minutes.
Level 5 CPUs, random.
Conductor of Chaos said:
Three words.

With a FLOWER.
On a custom made stage FILLED WITH FREAKIN SPIKES.
With fast speed.
For 5 minutes.
Level 5 CPUs, random.

needs more 2.0 damage ratio
Me. Three Random CPUs. 5 minutes. Most items on. Random stage.