Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!


ew ew ew
Monster Gabby said:
The Ice Flower's fine.
That's the point.

It's meant to be a fire flower.
The Pyro Guy said:
Monster Gabby said:
The Ice Flower's fine.
That's the point.

It's meant to be a fire flower.
No wonder, people thought the Mario show got its colors wrong.
Striker Mario said:
These walking marbles with boogly eyes are also pretty unsettling.
Take note that the light reflections in its eyes aren't parallel.
Geez, I don't think I'll look at that thing the same way again.
believe it or not, after I read their name, I couldn't remember their actual names whatsoever.

Something about sentient metal cubes with graffiti faces painted on each side comes off as rather unsettling.
I like killing those things as Wario in SM64DS

Suprising how low polygon this model is, for a 3DS game.
well thats horrifying.
It's not surprising that models from Yoshi's New Island are low-poly.
It's the feet that kills me, especially that they're going for "original game look" because being extremely similar to the original game has worked so well in Yoshi's Island DS.
The Pyro Guy said:

Oh boy this is even worse. This is the main character, and it looks like total garbage.

well duh, of course he'll look like garbage. he's yoshi the model is faceted. though I don't think it would improve much if he was smoothed out.

now THIS model on the other hand............


this is what lod will do to you



(on a side note, thanks a bunch pyro guy for letting me know that there's finally a 3d model of diapered Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, I really needed those, even if they are on the low poly side)
Roy Koopa said:
There's the polygoniest Yoshi you'll ever see.

not really considering he still has circles for eyes