Shyghoul Peace be with you, whoever you are. Pronouns she/her/they Oct 8, 2014 #28 Palkia favorite pokemon that flips the stage upside down in Sm4sh
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Oct 9, 2014 Thread starter #32 Palkia Which half-water type is a mascot?
B Boo Diddly Shine Sprite Oct 9, 2014 #33 CAN PEOPLE STOP SAYING PALKIA What Pokemon Region is the oldest?
Crackin355 △ Oct 9, 2014 #34 Uh... Um.... Palkia? What word does Lord Boohemoth want us to stop saying?
B Boo Diddly Shine Sprite Oct 9, 2014 #35 Call me Randombob-omb4761, since that's my original username. And That Pokemon which must not be named What thread will be locked by a mod soon?
Call me Randombob-omb4761, since that's my original username. And That Pokemon which must not be named What thread will be locked by a mod soon?
Shyghoul Peace be with you, whoever you are. Pronouns she/her/they Oct 9, 2014 #37 Palkia what is the most popular answer itt
Cirdec Celestial Guide Oct 9, 2014 #38 Palkia Which Pokémon name starts with "Pal" and finishes with "kia"?
M Magikrazy Donkey Kong Oct 9, 2014 #39 Expecting Palkia? TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME. Who is the best person ever, better than dumb Luigi?
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Oct 9, 2014 Thread starter #40 Palkia morphed into a human. Which Pokemon is the legendary for Pearl?
TinTinfinite scrunkly Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki Infinite8 Oct 9, 2014 #42 Palkia I haven't read BitF yet. Who is the worst racer in Mario Kart 8? EDIT: from now on, no more Palkia.
Palkia I haven't read BitF yet. Who is the worst racer in Mario Kart 8? EDIT: from now on, no more Palkia.
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Oct 9, 2014 Thread starter #43 Isabelle WHERE'S DA PRINCESS?
TinTinfinite scrunkly Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki Infinite8 Oct 9, 2014 #44 IN ANADDA CASSLE! Who is the worst Mario RPG character?
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Oct 9, 2014 Thread starter #46 OH NO YOU ARE NOT TRYING TO START THAT CHAIN AGAIN Best Zelda game besides Ocarina?
M Magikrazy Donkey Kong Oct 9, 2014 #47 A Link to the Past What's the best-selling game on the SNES besides Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, and Street Fighter II: The World Warrior?
A Link to the Past What's the best-selling game on the SNES besides Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, and Street Fighter II: The World Warrior?
YuruNex One Tough Cream Puff Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki YuruNex Oct 9, 2014 #50 Rosalina Is Ridley too big?