Saddest endings

Mother 3

why claus

SolarBlaze said:
As far as sad endings are concerned, I'd have to say Zero's in Mega Man X5. It's the music that really does the trick.

also this

i guess you could say what happened to shadow in the pending where you save him on the floating continent and in the wor is pretty sad too, but the rest of the ending isnt.
hmm i swear we've had a similar topic to this before

GBAToad said:
Explorers of Sky's ending for sure

I hardly cry at video games (except for the above exception, at least the first time I played it) but this series manages to create such sombre and heavy moments that it's really hard to resist. [nobbc]:([/nobbc]

To me, Luna's ending is probably the saddest in the game, even after two playthroughs I still find it really tear-jerking. Although I guess Tenmyouji's ending also counts since I felt like crying the first time.
adding on to this I'd say the whole ending to VLR was sad because there isn't a sequel yet goddammit

other than that i'm drawing a blank, man i need to play more gaems
onimusha dawn of dreams

i hate these kinds of endings

main character dies
DragonFreak said:
Mother 3, because of everything leading up to it and I cant play through it or watch it without crying. Even though it is kinda sorta forced to be sad, it's still super effective towards.
I'll remember to bring tissues when I finally play the game.

Like I've said multiple times, the ending of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky made me cry.

Until you come back at the end if the ending, but still.