The Super Shroomy Stories (SERIES REBOOT)

Favorite Story Arc 1 Episode?

  • Man In Green

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thief Of The Night

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Family Fadoodle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Full & Fledged

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once Was A Statue

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Load Of Wario

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crowded Mindset

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Best Frienemies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Instructions Not Included

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • With Every Breath Pt. 1 and Pt. 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of them

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • I only came here for the food

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Hope you all had a great thanksgiving!.


Iggy:’re not real!

Join me...

Iggy: Over my dead body…

You’ll take a last breath…


Porygon-Z: Uhh...Iggy?...
Iggy: ….what?...
Porygon-Z: *Points to devastated city* Wait...was the bubble a...wormhole?
Iggy: The tower was an illusion…*Uses GPS* We’ve teleported to Mushroom City, A.M.Y is somewhere in that city.
Porygon-Z: We should probably sleep in the devastated factory looks promising
In The Factory
Iggy: *starts fire* Where should we go after this?
Porygon-Z: I have no idea, there’s nothing left!
Iggy: We can probably head home
Porygon-Z: Do you think that place is still functioning?
Iggy: I don’t think so…
*Floor collapses and Iggy & Porygon-Z fall into hole*

Mushroom WORLDS
Episode 6: Wigg & Morty

Rick: So *Burp* you want a certain serum?
Luigi: Yes, we had a person who knew on how to make it but he...left…
Morty: He died!?
Luigi: I don’t know!
Wiggler: We just need the serum, do you have it?
Rick: No
Luigi: God-
Rick: But i know on how to make one
Summer: Grandpa, i-...Who’s this italian stereotype?
Rick: Summer, this is Luigi and he is Woggler-
Wiggler: Wiggler!
Rick: Fine *burp* Waggler, and they came from a different dimension.
Summer: So that explains the giant caterpillar who looks like the rejected Fozzie Bear before they decided to make him a bear
Wiggler: Rude
Rick: Now all i need are these ingredients: Hariso 9 Seeds, Clurpatoot Grass, and Goohm Goop
Luigi: How are we gonna get that!?
Rick: Wait, don’t you have some sort of *Burp* machine that lets you travel across dimensions?
Luigi: Yes but we have no idea on where those are!
Rick: Then how the hell you knew on where we were!?
Luigi: There was journals and notes
Morty: C’mon Rick!, we could be next!
Rick: *Burp* fine…*Uses Portal gun and jumps into portal with Morty, Luigi, and Wiggler*
In Another Dimension
Rick: So we have to find all 3 of these and make that serum
Morty: But where are the ingredients exactly?
Rick: Found some *burp* Clurpatoot Grass
Luigi: We have a long way to go…
Porygon-Z: Where are we?...
Iggy: A buried town….Western style
*Moaning noises*

I’m back…

Iggy: Oh no...he’s here!
King Boo: You’re glad i’m right!
King Boo: Well Iggy, i got a gift for you...a undead one! *Chants*
*Dry Bones comes out of ground*
King Boo: Get them! *Disappears*
Iggy: Into the Courtroom!
In The Courtroom
Porygon-Z: Have you thought of breathing fire on them?
Iggy: They’re immune to it and start barricading the windows, i got a plan…
Porygon-Z: *Barricades windows*
Iggy: Wow! *Holds busted shotgun* I can repair this at ease!

*Dry Bones are trying to break the windows*
Iggy: Hey Boneheads!
*Dry Bones walk toward Iggy*
Iggy: *Shoots Modified Shotgun* Nobody will stand in between me and her…

Go there

Iggy: ...Where?



The Theater...

Iggy: Is she there!

No...But a machine is…

Iggy: Let’s go Porygon-Z, the ghost is telling me where to go
Porygon-Z: I don’t we can trust those voices…
Iggy: Let’s just go to Mushroom Theater, it’s just a couple of miles away…
Rick: We found all the elements, now let’s make the serum *Portal gun doesn’t work* Aw *Censor Bleep*!
Wiggler: Is that good or bad?
Rick: *Gets squished by Elephant-like creature* Wubba lubba dub dub…
Morty: RUN!
All: *Runs*
Luigi: How will we get back!?
Rick: *Repairs Portal gun and opens up Portal* Inside!
All: *jumps into portal*
Rick: *Holds Serum* Now what does it do?
Luigi: It makes our minds immune to possession
Morty: Wow
Rick: *Hands serum to Luigi*
Luigi: *Drink serum and has a spitake*
Jerry: *Enters* Mort-*Gets splattered by Serum* gross…*Leaves*
Luigi: It tastes like Water and Milk with Melted Cheese!
Wiggler: Lemme try *Drinks serum and spits it all on Morty*
Morty: Oh gross…
1 Hours Laytor
Ford: Gross...the serum was disgusting!
Dipper: Anyone got something that DOESN’T taste bad?
Mabel: I need candy…
Goombella: I’d rather eat crap…
Luigi: But hey, at least we’re immune to possession!
*Security Camera glows*
Luigi: What’s this?
*Monitor shows Iggy and Porygon-Z walking toward theater*
Luigi: It’s Iggy...he’s okay!

To be continued…

Iggy: We should rest for now…
Porygon-Z: But we should try this machine

Grego: We’re here to burgle your turfs!

Beatrice: Luckily you’re not a pushover like Wirt!
Wirt: Hey!


Mabel: Luigi!, help!

Episode 7: Over The Mushroom Wall (Over The Garden Wall)

Ep. 8: Portals, Portals, and More Portals (Portal)

Ep. 9: Falling(Out) (Fallout)

Ep. 10: Nostalgic (2014 TSSS)

Eo. 11: Boobusters (Ghostbusters)

Ep. 12: The Blinding of Luigi (The Blinding of Isaac)

Ep. 13: Kirby Kirby Kirby! (Kirby)

Ep. 14: Once Upon a Undertale (Undertale)

Ep. 15: Splatterball (Splatoon)

Ep. 16: Gotta Go Fast! (Sonic)

Ep. 17: Gamer’s Watch (Game & Watch)

Ep. 18: Teaming Up (TF2)

Ep. 19: PAC-MEN (Pac-Man)

Ep. 20: Amazing Mushrooms’! (TAWOG)

Ep. 21: Mystery Mania (Professor Layton)
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

After being defeated by Bowser and the whereabouts of his older brother unknown, Luigi embarks on a quest to save the Mushroom Kingdom!. But is he willing to brave the mysterious mansion in Dimple Wood?

Starlow: Spider webs, dust, and old timey furniture. This sure is a abandoned Mansion
Luigi: *Is on the floor shaking*
Starlow: C’mon Luigi!, prove that you’re willing to stand up!
Luigi: M-m-mam-ma…
Starlow: Ugh! *Drags Luigi*


Luigi: OH CRAP! *Runs into bathroom*
In The Bathroom
Luigi: I-i-i n-need-a m-m-my r-rubber d-d-du-duc-duckie...
Starlow: *Opens Door* C’mon Luigi...let’s go
Luigi: Fine…
Starlow: Gee, i’m hungry
Luigi: Let’s see what’s in-a this fridge *Opens fridge and notices a stale slice of cheese is breathing and closes fridge* I wanna puke right-a now…
Starlow: That’s odd…*Notices trail of a glowing goo*...Ew…
Luigi: We shouldn’t follow this-a trail
Starlow: Good idea!, let’s follow it!
Luigi: But what if it leads-a us to certain doom!?
Starlow: There’s no way it can-
Boo: BOO!
Both: EEEEEEEEEEEK!! *Follows trail*
Luigi: I think-a we outran it!
Starlow: Oh my…*Faints*
Luigi: Starlow?, wake up!
Starlow: Call Boobusters….
Luigi: Close enough…
*Singing comes from down the hall*
Luigi: Wow...who is singing that beautiful song?...It's so...hypnotic...Gah!, focus!
In the Master Bedroom
Lady Bow: *Sings*
Wiggler: *Is in Bubble*
Lady Bow: Heh heh heh...He won’t wake up for 50 years!
King Boo: Now your end of the deal...don’t play tricks on me!
Lady Bow: Oh sure my big bad boo…*Leaves and comes back with glowing amulet* The Rock of Souls, able to capture one's soul in this here amulet
King Boo: Well thank you! *Tips Top Hat and disappears*
Bootler: *Enters* Mistress…
Lady Bow: Now what is it?
Bootler: Many Boos reported and green man and star spirit in the halls…
Lady Bow: ...In the halls…*Sees Luigi holding a fainted Starlow through a orb* Ohohoho...this is just the beginning...heh heh heh *Sings*
Starlow: *Wakes up* Ugh….Luigi?
Luigi: Ay, that’s my name!
Starlow: Are we even close?...To finding the-
Luigi: GAH!
Starlow: Look!, the Master Bedroom!
Luigi: Hmmm...This feels-a odd…
Starlow: Oh come on! *Opens door*
Luigi: Holy crap!
*Wiggler is in bubble and Lady Bow is staring proudly at it*
Lady Bow: Now this is a treasure for a woman like me!
Luigi: Who are you!?
Starlow: What’s are deal with Wiggler!?
Lady Bow: Heh heh...The name’s Lady Bow...Hello…*Has sinister grin*...and Goodbye...MINIONS!
*Boos swarm toward Luigi*
Luigi: 0_0 Can i run?
Starlow: Definitely not! *Flings Stars at Boos*
Lady Bow: *Watches Luigi and Starlow fight* This is getting boring, i’d rather watch Creature Planet!, Minions, RETREAT!
*Boos retreat*
Luigi: Ready to give up?
Lady Bow: No...this is just the beginning…*Sings*
Starlow: You’re just gonna sing?, i’ve never seen dumber
Luigi: This’s…GET OUT!
Starlow: Oh no…*Launches Beam toward Luigi*...I have the ability to make people immune to stuff like this!
Lady Bow: No...Impossible! *Slaps Luigi* Fall for it!
Luigi: Fall for this! *Punches Lady Bow*
Lady Bow: wha...THAT’S NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY!...*Breaks open the bubble and Wiggler falls out* Should i be one? *Possesses Wiggler* or the other?
Luigi: Oh no…
Liggler: Heh heh heh *Charges at Luigi but gets tripped*
Liggler: *Is dazed*
Luigi: *Punches Liggler*
Lady Bow: *Gets launched out of Wiggler’s body* Time to finish this once-
King Boo: MWAHAHAHAHA! *Uses Amulet to control all of Lady Bow’s minions*
Lady Bow: Wait...i’ve been deceived!?, but nobody deceives Lady Bow!...
*King Boo flies away with the brainwashed Boos*
Lady Bow: No..just...that little *Censor Bleep*
Luigi: If we work together, we can stop King Boo!
Wiggler: Ugh...where am i?
Luigi: WIGGLER!, how did you end up in that bubble?
Wiggler: I remember running and ending up in here...but i was deceived by her…
Lady Bow: I love deception
Luigi: Lady Bow, team up with us to defeat King Boo!
Lady Bow: ...Fine…
Wiggler: I’ll on my way to Wiggler Village, gonna see if it’s still in shambles and stay at the ranch... *Leaves*
Luigi: We should go there!, maybe we can get help or something like that
Starlow: And that’s where we’re going!

To be continued

With the aid of Lady Bow, Luigi and Co. go to Wiggler Village with Wiggler to see if they can get any help and go to Wiggler’s ranch...but something awaits them there...but of course it’s not some ravenous virus caused by Cows eating Cows, that’s just gross.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

It can be hard to imagine 2 people that hate each other in this series together in a room or something, i never want to be stuck in a room with Brave Shy Guy or PIK since-oh no...he’s holding a baseball bat!

Inside a Mine in Yoshi’s Island
Luigi: Sure is dark in here...
A.M.Y: *Eyes are glowing* It doesn’t look THAT bad
*Cave is having collapsing*
Luigi: RUN!
5 Hours Ago
Mario: Here we are, Bowser’s Castle!
Luigi: We should enter through the Lab Window or vents
Mario: I’d rather not break-a my back, vents!
In The Vents
Luigi: It smells like-a toxic waste
Mario: Classic Iggy or probably Roy working out too hard *Peeks out grate*[/b] yup
Luigi: Well we should-*Falls out vent and onto A.M.Y*
A.M.Y: Oh well you look over here…
Luigi: Uhhh...Do you want a coin?
A.M.Y: *Flips Luigi toward Wall, arm transforms into gun and aims it at Luigi* Heh heh heh
Luigi: *Panics*
A.M.Y: Wow, and i considered you a threat, do you need your baby bottle?
Mario: *Jumps down from vent and runs*
A.M.Y: *Shoots at Mario but keeps on missing* DIE! DIE! DIE!
Mario: *Runs toward A.M.Y but trips and falls out window*
Iggy: Now what is-oh crap *Runs away*
Luigi: *Is throwing fireballs*
*Fireball hits explosive barrel*
A.M.Y: Oh shi-
*Luigi and A.M.Y are blasted out of the castle*
Yoshi’s Island

Luigi: Ugh...where are we?
Luigi: Hey, if it was worth making you stop shooting bullets all over the place!
A.M.Y: Well it’s not my fault that your weight caused you to fall through the vent and onto me!
Luigi: Weight?, WEIGHT!?
A.M.Y: Maybe you should work out more, it’ll make a large difference…
Luigi: Take. That. Back
A.M.Y: What?, that you’re so fat that your high school photo was a double page spread?


Luigi: I MEAN IT!
A.M.Y: Don’t worry, at least i’m not at risk for Shroombet-*Gets punched by Luigi*
Luigi: Shut up you good-for-nothing-narcissistically demented hunk of metal…


A.M.Y: YOU ASKED FOR IT! *Claws protract and tries to scratch Luigi*
Luigi: Oh crap *Runs*
Luigi: Looks like the demented part was tru-*Falls of ridge along with A.M.Y*
Sometime Laytor…
Luigi: *Is being dragged* ugh...A.M.Y?...why bother dragging me?, i thought you wanted me dead…
A.M.Y: Well the problem is...i felt guilty and i think you’re right about what you said back there…
Luigi: Well, we better find shelter…
A.M.Y: Maybe in that Mineshaft
Inside A Mine in Yoshi’s Island
Luigi: Sure is dark in here…
A.M.Y: *Eyes are glowing* It doesn’t look THAT bad
*Cave is collapsing*
Luigi: RUN!
Both: *Runs out cave*
Luigi: Maybe not…
A.M.Y: Maybe...that cave *enters cave but gets chased out by Rexy*
Luigi: Maybe this rock overhang!
*Teleporter appears and a Shroob comes out shooting a Ray Gun*
At Night
Luigi: Sheesh...where is she?...
A.M.Y: *Comes back with hunk of meat*
Luigi: You have some...blood...on you
A.M.Y: That’s not mine, it’s an animal’s blood…
Luigi: ...oh...To be honest...have you ever felt...insecure of me?
A.M.Y: Don’t worry, my scanners don’t de-THREAT DETECTED!-er-don’t detect you as a threat!
In First Person View
Subject is Luigi Italiano

Stage 10 Threat


Luigi: Good...i’ve always been a bit scared of you
A.M.Y: wait till you see Iggy...he is SCARED of you, he told me tons of times. He spent 30 minutes in the Bathroom just panicking that he was gonna fight you!.
Luigi: *Laughs* Every time Mario sees you he starts to get scared, he has nightmares about you!
A.M.Y: *Laughs* Luigi...i never met a person like you’re a true hero besides Mario…
*Grass Rustles*
Mario: I’ll save you Luigi! *Starts punching A.M.Y* Run!
Iggy: *Points Ray Gun toward Luigi* I got you this time! *Shoots Ray Gun*


A.M.Y: Noooooooooo *Pushes Luigi out of the way*
Iggy: What...A.M.Y?
*Mario and Iggy are tied up and Luigi and A.M.Y walk into the sunset*

The End
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Luigi: *Searches closet and box falls onto head* ouch…
Baby Yoshi: What’s that?
Luigi: *Searches Box and finds picture of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Wiggler, and Toad celebrating in front of a defeated classic Koopalings* Our first win...4 years ago, it’s certainly been-a long-a time
Baby Yoshi: What’s this? *Pulls out Nintendo 64*
Luigi: OH MY GOD IT’S NINTENDO 6-erm...sorry…
Baby Yoshi:! *Finds pictures of Wiggler and a female Wiggler* Wiggler used to date?
Luigi: No, that’s just him and his older sister
Baby Yoshi: Oh...remember that time where Wiggler went on his first date in 7 years and it failed hilariously

Wiggler: I loooove-er-love-er-live-LEIVE-hate you!
Toadette: *Throws food at Wiggler*

Luigi: oh, and remember that time Mario was dating Peach?

Peach: So...Do you go out lately?
Mario: Yes. I. Do *Runs away in cowardice*
Peach: *sigh*

Baby Yoshi: *Laughs*
Luigi: Or how about Goombella

Wiggler: Watcha’ readin’?
Goombella: Ummm...nothing!
Wiggler: *Grabs Magazine and has pictures of fossils*

Both: *Laughs*
Mario, Goombella, and Wiggler: *Are standing behind Luigi and Baby Yoshi and are holding baseball bats*!

The End
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

dude you're good

I mean listening to my grandmother and aunt throw around all these names was so funny
I write too

if you ever want a guest writer then I'm here for you
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Cat Gray said:
dude you're good

I mean listening to my grandmother and aunt throw around all these names was so funny
I write too

if you ever want a guest writer then I'm here for you
Well thank you very much!, i really like getting feedback from the readers.

Tbh, one of my fanfictions was based off of your fanfiction "Bowser Bash", i loved it!. It was a really creative fanfiction and i always wanted to see somebody write a fanfiction like that.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

I don't think I ever wrote something by that name...although I'm doing another fanfic that will get off the ground this time
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Cat Gray said:
I don't think I ever wrote something by that name...although I'm doing another fanfic that will get off the ground this time

Thanks for the offer!, if you want you can write a certain amount of fanfictions a week (I.e i write monday, wednesday, and friday and you write tuesday and thursday.) or just this one time?.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

if it's only Tues. and Thurs., sure I could do that full time.

I'll start writing Thursday's right now!

E: buuut I can't come up with an idea at the soon as I can I'll start, ok?
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Cat Gray said:
if it's only Tues. and Thurs., sure I could do that full time.

I'll start writing Thursday's right now!
Sure!, plus i'll send you a list of canon and the rules of shroom later.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories

Pardon the double post but Roy Koopa will be my Co-Author!, He'll write every tuesday and thursday and i'll write every Monday, Wenesday, Friday, and Saturday. (Don't worry, i'm not gonna quit or something like that, i plan on doing that around 2019)
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

i'll have one this afternoon. See you then!
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

I showed up, now I want my paycheck

My writing will be fairly long, fyi

Mario: Luigi, what's the tempurature?

Luigi: 100oF.

Wiggler: Guys! The AC in my room just randomly shut off and my flower wilted!

Mario: I know what that means...

Luigi: Could you call the repair guy?

Mario: Sure...*under his breath* I always call the repair guy...will my bro ever do it?

Wiggler: I'm gonna go try to hydrate my poor flower, ok?

Luigi: Sure.

*knock knock*

Toad: Mario! Luigi!

Luigi: Whats up, Toad?

Toad: The 100-degree weather dehydrated poor Fluffy and all of a sudden, the faucet malfunctioned!

Luigi: That's odd...why is everything breaking at the exact same time?

Toad: What's that mean?

Luigi: Wiggler's air conditioner just broke.

Toad: Ack! His flower must have wilted!

Luigi: It did. In fact, he just left to try to hydrate it.

Mario: The repair guys are coming later today.

Luigi: Toad, do you and Fluffy want to come in?

Toad: Sure. I took the day off from work today, so I doesn't matter anyway!

Luigi: Could I get you anything?

Toad: I came here to get Fluffy some water, but I'll take a soda, if you have any.

Luigi: Ginger ale ok?

Toad: Sure.


Toad: I wonder who that could be?

Luigi: Yes? What? Baby Yoshi is there? Make sure he doesn't drown for me, would you? Ok, thanks Wiggler. Bye!

Toad: I guess Baby Yoshi sneaked off to the pond to cool off, eh?

Luigi: Yup.

Mario: The thermometer says 85 degrees now!

Luigi: Better than 100.

Wiggler: I'm back!

Baby Yoshi: And I'm back too!

Mario: 70 degrees!

Luigi: This is odd...

Toad: What, that the tempurature dropped 30 degrees in five minutes? Yeah, that is odd.

*at Iggy's place*

Iggy: It's so fun controlling the tempurature! Lets try...35 degrees.


*back where everyone else is*

Mario: 35 degrees?

*Iggy's place*

Taped Toad: Now that it's so cold, you have any hot chocolate?

Iggy: Right after that's done, it'll be 85 again!

All of Iggy's gadgets suddenly turn off.

Iggy: Not another power outage!

Baby Yoshi: You think you're gonna mess with the weather? Think again!

Baby Yoshi proceeds to unplug the rest of the electronics. The weather returns to 50 degrees, which would be considered a normal tempurature.

Iggy: Are you crazy? It took me five months to make this thing!

Baby Yoshi walks out, only to see Wiggler attempting to find him.

Wiggler: Did Luigi let you sneak out again?

Baby Yoshi:

Wiggler: Then we're going back home!

Baby Yoshi: At least I ended the wacky weather we've had!

Wiggler: *scoffs* Try telling that Mario and Luigi!

Baby Yoshi tells them about what happened and are astonished at Baby Yoshi.

Luigi: Let's all go out and celebrate Baby Yoshi's courage, shall we?

Mario, Luigi, Baby Yoshi, Wiggler, Toad, and Fluffy all went to Baby Yoshi's favorite restaurant.

I'd love to hear your feedback!
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

Co-writers, eh? Seems interesting, but personally I'm going to keep my status as an every-once-in-a-while guest writer.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

I'd do the same but tbh I have nothing better to do :P

although I do enjoy writing
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

Cat Gray said:
I'd do the same but tbh I have nothing better to do :P

although I do enjoy writing
I'm Impressed

That fanfiction was G-R-E-A-T. You did a great job, can't wait till Tuesday.
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

now will you sign up for my fanfic since you know how well I write

Thanks PIK! It's great to hear that from my "boss"

E: The edit underneath the story is only the removal of a slash that mysteriously ended up there
Re: The Super Shroomy Stories (Now with a Co-Author!)

Hosnowka Kosaka said:
Co-writers, eh? Seems interesting, but personally I'm going to keep my status as an every-once-in-a-while guest writer.
Same. I could never stick to a fanfic schedule lol.

Speaking of which, when are you going to continue that Shy Guy story you started?