Superpowers aren't always so super...

You also have to make a maze when you make corn to get it.
The power to know what I need in a snap
Looks like a maize of corn then. :dk:

However, your power makes you limited in wanting always a bottle of milk.

I wish I had the power to buy eggs.
You can't turn into yourself.

The ability to spawn anything I desire in anywhere I want.
You now understand that all women (and, in fact, literally every human being besides you) is actually lizard monster aliens.

The power to do everything I want.
You became a planet that has it's own gravitational pull, then you explode.

The power of money like Batman and Iron Man.
The only thing you can do after this is star in Batman & Robin and the typical movie-licensed video game.

I wish I had the power to shave my hair.
The controller malfunctioned, and all users are coming towards you.

Wish I can teleport to anywhere I like.
Everyone you beat in Smash becomes suicidal, and you have to live with the guilt of all those deaths.

The ability to create matter in any form you wish and in any shape you wish.
It implodes on itself for a second after its creation.

The ability to convince everyone to your ideas with your words.