Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Help Me! I Woulda Swore That......

Okay I played and beat Paper Mario TTYD back in 2004 when I was 19, i am now 30 and Have a 5 year old daughter and 7 Year old son and when they come over We pick a game and they watch me play and beat it over time usually a few weekends, the game we are currently playing is Paper Mario TTYD and I just finished the Train 3 Days of Excess Chapter but here is what is making me think i am going CRAZY! I would have swore that when i played this game originally there was a Faux Murder Mystery on the train where like different passengers were found (dead, but really just ended up being knocked out or something) so tell me am i crazy? because I just played it again and there was no murder mystery at all! just a mystery about a Pot, a blanket and a fake zip toad. I know I remember playing a Mario game with a faux murder mystery on a train and i totally remember it being Paper Mario TTYD. Is it like an optional side quest? or did do something like find zip toad to fast? like did i cause it to get skipped? somebody help me ease my mind its driving my nuts! lol the murder mystery was like passengers ended up being found knocked out/dead and the detective had mario help him find clues or something and when the culprit was found and defeated/ran off all the knocked out/Dead passengers woke back up. If this doesnt happen in Paper Mario TTYD then i must be mistaking it for a different game because This is all so vivid in my memories it has to be from at least some game, does anyone know? please someone help me here.
The only thing that comes kinda close to what you describe is the beginning of chapter 7 in Paper Mario 64 with the "dead" Major.
Sounds like you misremembered Chapter 7 to me. The chapter boss kidnap all the passengers near the end (and I think you find someone knocked out or something before fightning him, but it,s been a while), but there's no murder mystery at any point.

That, or you conflated it with Chapter 3, which does have a fair few NPCs knocked out and strongly implied to be "dead" until they're restored after the chapter boss.