Smash Wii U Online


SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
Didn't see a thread for this. Who wants to play Smash Wii U with me? I currently have a room open, so if you're friends with me then you can join. If not, send a friend request to dimentio64 and I'll try to accept as many as possible.
I think I added you a while ago. I'll report back when I:
A. Am at home
B. Actually have the game lol
Anyone up for this with me? ... When my 10 minutes is up. The lag was unbearable so I had to quit.
Snowzomi Mistletoujou said:
okay, sent you a request you can join icicle and I

Joining as well if you are still playing.

Edit: Can't join, I guess I don't have IcicleRain NNID.
Me, I will check your miiverse if I'm friends with u

sent the request

im online so anyone just reply to this thread and so i will open a room