Shin Godzilla

Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

idk where else to mention this where it'd be relevant without making an entirely new topic for it but there's a new network called El Rey and it's channel 145 for me but who knows for whoever else and they're doing a godzilla marathon on christmas eve or something CHECK IT OUT
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

Morty said:
idk where else to mention this where it'd be relevant without making an entirely new topic for it but there's a new network called El Rey and it's channel 145 for me but who knows for whoever else and they're doing a godzilla marathon on christmas eve or something CHECK IT OUT
I already own every Godzilla movie so eh.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

This is not that related but...What did Godzilla looked like before he was mutated?
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

yoshiking14x said:
This is not that related but...What did Godzilla looked like before he was mutated?
Like a zilla
presumably he was not a Godzilla before the mutations
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

wasnt he a marine iguana

or is that just the american one
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

yoshiking14x said:
This is not that related but...What did Godzilla looked like before he was mutated?
In the Heisei continuity, a Godzillasaurus.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

a new godzilla movie eh?

im all for it, the most recent one was fantastic.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

So, he was smaller and hardly had those flame-spikes?

I think he is angry because he has to eat alot more than before for his rest of his life as a result of his mutation.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

inb4 it's as shitty as the Heisei and Millennium films.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

MeltdownKP1 said:
inb4 it's as shitty as the Heisei and Millennium films.
Hey now, there are some good Heisei and Millenium films. Biollante, Destoroyah, GMK.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

GalacticPetey said:
Hey now, there are some good Heisei and Millenium films. Biollante, Destoroyah, GMK.
GalacticPetey said:
GalacticPetey said:
I don't know man, a movie where the characters just go through the motions and the effects include Bandai toys and poorly matted in cities wouldn't be considered good in my book. Biollante is great though and GMK is decent.
yoshiking14x said:
The Heisei and Millennium Godzilla films are known among the fanbase to have some boring characters and mediocre effects.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

Yeah, Destoroyah has some bad moments, but the opening, music score, and final battle really make it a favorite of mine. A guilty pleasure if you will.
Re: New Japanese made Godzilla film coming

The best Godzilla movies we have are

and 2014

I think they should take the origin from 1945, the Personality from GMK, and the style from 2014(not the look moreso the way Godzilla faught) to make the perfect Godzilla, character wise. Movie wise they will need much more than just a good Godzilla to pull this off. They'll need a brand new plot, something original. They'll need interesting antagonists and protagonists. And pleasing and comfortable setting.
Re: Godzilla Resurgence

The new G Design took some getting used to. But I really look forward to seeing this film. Especially if it stays on the darker side of the spectrum.
Re: Godzilla Resurgence

Having finally seen the new design (I can not tell how, as I've sworn to keep my source a secret, since my source has also been told to keep it a secret) I can say that yes, the exposed muscles and red coloring is indeed a design element. I'm going to say again that if you don't like how the face looks, you are going to HATE the rest of the body. But if you want a terrifying, horrible looking, ugly Godzilla that would probably scare the piss out of you if you ran into it in real life, this is the Godzilla for you.

Picture lumpy, bloody flesh regrowing onto the bones of the original 1954 Godzilla and you've got the Shin Godzilla design right there.

From a reputable person on Toho Kingdom. Not sure how he knows, but I trust him.

They weren't kidding when they said they were playing up the horror aspect.
Re: Godzilla Resurgence

Take 'em with a grain of salt, but these images have started popping up over on Tumblr. Didn't think too much of them but they match that description and the Tumblr that was posting them got pulled. Make of that what you will.













Looks like they weren't exaggerating.

EDIT: The pics keep coming

EDIT: We've been duped!



This is what I get for being hyped. He played us like a damn fiddle!

EDIT: All hope might not be lost. Some of the pics might be legit with some fakes mixed in. Waiting on confirmation.