If Smash Bros. Teams had Names

Sonic and Ike: Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic, 3 CDs, and 2 Ikes: Sonic 3CD & Knuckles & Knuckles

Dr. Mario and an animal-based-character (Diddy, Pika, Etc.): Veterinarian Clinic

Donkey Kong and Sonic: Danky Kang

3 Kirbys: Kirby Kirby Kirby that's the name you should know!
Little Mac (Straight Lunge) + Donkey Kong (Giant Punch) + Ryu (Focus Attack) + Captain Falcon (Falcon Punch) + Ganondorf (Warlock Punch)= Punched Out

Ike + Little Mac + Ryu = Buff, Very Buff, Mega Buff
Ike + Shulk + Cloud (Maybe Kirby too if you consider his Final Smash in Smash 4) = B.F.S.S. (Big Fucking Sword Squad)
The CPU team of 4 Clouds: Cirrus Alto-cumulus Cumulonimbus Stratus.

Ryu, Roy, Lucas: The DLC guys.
freakworld said:
Cloud + Sonic = ur 2 Edge 4 me
Cloud + Sonic + Mewtwo + Dark Pit: Left 4 Edge.
Eh, Sonic is hardly edgy. At least not on the level the others in that team are.

Cloud + Palutena = Partly Sunny
Mario + Ryu + Pac-Man + Cloud + Megaman + Sonic + Bayonetta = Reading Smashing Rainbow


(Remember, because of 8-Player Smash a team can be 7 Characters big even if they would only be fighting one opponent if you used that team. It is pretty neat that including Mario and all the 3rd Parties. Their backgrounds on their profiles make up a Rainbow)
My team would be Mario/Ryu/Megaman/Bayonetta vs. Puckman, Cirrus, and Sanic. Then, it would be a rainbow of doom.