My video I worked hard on was blocked for copyright...How to get around this?

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SPM Trash
Forum Moderator
I just spent hours compiling every original Brave Little Toaster song into one video, and uploaded it to YouTube. After YouTube initially rejected it because it was "too long," I had to verify my account (I had uploaded long videos before so this was odd)

Then I had to "activate the video." After that I was able to watch it...but it wouldn't show up on my channel. So I went to the video in an incognito window... and I got a notification that "This video contains content from Disney, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds." WTF? It's not like I uploaded the entire movie or anything? I wanted to put up every song in one place, they didn't block each individual song on their own. So why block them all together?

I spent hours working on this. Is there any way whatsoever to get it unblocked? I highly doubt a human did this. I suspect it was just an automatic thing. Fucking youtube and Disney. I wasn't trying to steal anything, every single one of these songs were already on Youtube. Why can't they all be in one video? What should I do?
No, but there's some parts that have signs, and one song features magazine headlines in one part. That kind of stuff...bugs me.
The only other thing I can think of is to have the video play within a still image.

There's a guy on Youtube whose video of Billie Jean with literal lyrics (that match the video) was taken down. He reuploaded it, but he shrunk the video and had it play within an image of a television.

Do you get what I'm saying?
People who have the rights to music/generally don't like other people uploading it. The algorithm that flags these things isn't perfect, which is why the songs are probably still on YouTube.
Now fucking GameFAQs is being a dick too. I go on the "Advice" message board and ask about this, and get modded for "illegal activities"... WTF?
How do I get around this?
Sorry to say it but the simple answer is don't infringe on copyright.

YouTube has a database of audio/visual footage provided by IP holders which every upload is compared against. If they find a match, bam, your video is flagged as something that infringes copyright and is not able to be viewed. Little tricks like flipping the video and changing the pitch of the audio can sometimes get around this, but in the end it doesn't change the fact that you're uploading a creative work that doesn't belong to you without the owner's permission.

If you do get it through the initial uploading stage, there's nothing stopping Disney from manually telling YouTube to remove your video later on either, and I can guarantee they don't give a crap about your intentions - particularly when you're not even using it to make something even remotely creative, you're just taking views from something they did, which you could easily be getting paid for at some stage through ads and such.

So in all, if you don't want to get caught infringing copyright then don't infringe copyright.
Stanley the Troll said:
Now fucking GameFAQs is being a dick too. I go on the "Advice" message board and ask about this, and get modded for "illegal activities"... WTF?
you're breaking copyright laws
Stanley the Troll said:
By asking how to legally upload the crap to YouTube?
By asking how to illegally upload and share songs that you do not own the copyright to nor the permission from the copyright holders to do so.
Stanley the Troll said:
Wasn't trying to do anything I haven't seen done numerous times on YouTube already.
Just because other people are doing it doesn't mean it's okay.
Because its similar to asking us how to pirate ISOs while getting around being copyright infringement. We're not going to offer you advice to get around something you did illegally (which is, you in fact did). Unless your video is like a review or anything that qualifies under fair use, you can't go around uploading songs like these.
Shy​ Guy said:
Stanley the Troll said:
Shy​ Guy said:
This thread should really be locked.
Because this matter has been resolved and the thread serves no purpose.

So basically, the answer to your question is: DON'T UPLOAD COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL
Well to be more accurate, it would be: Don't upload copyrighted material unless you are using it in circumstances that classifies as Fair Use under US law, which "uploading all the songs from a movie" is most certainly NOT Fair Use
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