Same sex marriage

Pascal said:
although im gonna hear complaints about this for years in this area
Same, especially since Missouri is like one of the 14(?) states that hasn't legalized it yet.

Cause everyone here is a homophobe.
Justice Antonin Scalia apparently went nuts with his dissent

And every conservative in the country is trying their hardest to have their only commentary on the issue be "thankfully this still means individual churches can deny it if it's against their wills" which yeah I can see that as being legitimate as long as there's another readily available source. I can't wait to see what people say at work.

Anyways this is gr8 new and hopefully keeps up the momentum for the dozens of other lgbt issues.
Sapphire said:
Pascal said:
although im gonna hear complaints about this for years in this area
Same, especially since Missouri is like one of the 14(?) states that hasn't legalized it yet.

Cause everyone here is a homophobe.

yeah same. Ive even heard people being issued death threats just for stating they're a homosexual.

Which is a bunch of bs
fantastic news!

australia needs to up their game lmao
This is delightful news. I'm happy the US finally got its act together and legalized gay marriage.
John Frusciante said:
Pascal said:
isnt "religious freedom" kinda vanishing anyway?

i don't think so

what do you mean by religious freedom

Well the "religious freedom" is in quotes so I think it means the fundy version of it
This is great news! :fancy: I hope Scalia will eventually eat these words in the future. There is really no reason to bar homosexuals from marriages. I'm relieved it didn't take any longer for the legalization to occur. People were invoking states' rights, but honestly, this sounds like a dog whistle for barring homosexuals from a basic right because it's "unnatural".

Hope there are steps taken further to protect homosexuals from, say, harassment and bullying, but this is a step in the right direction.
i don't think so

what do you mean by religious freedom

basically with the new same sex marriage thing a lot of churches may prohibit that act, and it could cause issues with the churches and the law since more or less spiting in the governments face about something that is within rights, and they may take away the churches right to exist or any christian institutions that prohibit same sex marriage as well as same sex couples.

Roberts looks ahead to the likelihood of future conflicts between gay rights and religious rights, such as the tax status of conservative Christian colleges. He notes:
Hard questions arise when people of faith exercise religion in ways that may be seen to conflict with the new right to same-sex marriage—when, for example, a religious college provides married student housing only to opposite-sex married couples, or a religious adoption agency declines to place children with same-sex married couples. Indeed, the Solicitor General candidly acknowledged that the tax exemptions of some religious institutions would be in question if they opposed same-sex marriage.
There is little doubt that these and similar questions will soon be before this Court. Unfortunately, people of faith can take no comfort in the treatment they receive from the majority today.

the quote is kinda here and there but it does explain there can be some issues with religious freedom with the new same sex stuff.

i mean maybe this might be biased but i read into this earlier to see some explanations or insight into same sex versus a lot of todays churches and christian institutions.

I was pretty curious about that and how it may take effect, if anyone has better insight or info though, bring it up as im a bit curious as to how it may effect christian locations with the new same sex stuff.

besides that a lot of people were getting offended by simple mentions of christian faith, god in we trust in things, as well as some states telling people cant pray. I'm not sure if thats all true or not but ive heard it quite a bit, ill probably look into it some more later, but not right now.

Feeling pretty bad atm.
Derpl Zork said:

Hahaha the Onion you'll never disappoint
Pascal said:
basically with the new same sex marriage thing a lot of churches may prohibit that act, and it could cause issues with the churches and the law since more or less spiting in the governments face about something that is within rights, and they may take away the churches right to exist or any christian institutions that prohibit same sex marriage as well as same sex couples.

I don't think marriage is a religious institution by any means. The rights is talking about legal marriage. It's still possible for churches to reject it, but the change here is that gay couples can go somewhere else if they are not satisfied with their decision and want to get legally married.

But honestly, I think the churches should be the ones getting in with the the times since same-sex marriage will be the new norm now and they have to adapt to this. The world's policies isn't consistent, and things change. They have to change themselves in order to keep up with the changing world.

Pascal said:
besides that a lot of people were getting offended by simple mentions of christian faith, god in we trust in things, as well as some states telling people cant pray. I'm not sure if thats all true or not but ive heard it quite a bit, ill probably look into it some more later, but not right now.

Feeling pretty bad atm.

People can't pray in public institutions such as public schools but they are allowed to do it in private religious ones. The US was founded as a secular nation so it's best that we keep religious symbols and activities out of government, as per the Establishment Clause.

Hell, "In God We Trust" and "under God" parts of it was added pretty recently in US history, it wasn't like something that was there when the nation was founded.
so it sounds like religious restrictions than freedom.

Although the churches wont change, even they are forced to. I know plenty of churches that wont, people wont, regardless of what society or the government considers the norm.

While i dont really care about the whole same sex stuff a lot of other christians do, and i think thats gonna be an issue, but of course sacrifices have to be made after all, its just making them thats the problem.
Pascal said:
so it sounds like religious restrictions than freedom.

Nothing is completely free. Restrictions are needed in order to place order in society. If we're going along with one idea, sacrifices have to be made. And have you heard "your rights end where mine begin"? That term basically applies here.

Religious freedom btw, always meant the expression with whatever religion you want without any sort of legal interference. It's a bit like the concept of free speech, which is always misinterpreted especially in online forums. Private religious churches can probably still be able to reject marriage as they always have the ability but gay couples can still get legally married someplace else.

Pascal said:
Although the churches wont change, even they are forced to. I know plenty of churches that wont, people wont, regardless of what society or the government considers the norm.

And that's completely fine, just as long as it doesn't infringe on a legality level. We still have religious schools which belong to a private sector and hold prayer in their schools. It's allowed.

Pascal said:
While i dont really care about the whole same sex stuff a lot of other christians do, and i think thats gonna be an issue, but of course sacrifices have to be made after all, its just making them thats the problem.

Pretty sure same-sex marriage won't change much. It doesn't really affect anything other than gay couples who want to obtain the benefits of marriage.