Local News Stories

Yooka-Laylee said:
Maybe you guys heard about it because it was a Facebook thing, but anyway, this happened:
The guy lives pretty much around the corner from me. Pretty disgusted at what happened to him
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Galacta Knight said:
Yooka-Laylee said:
Maybe you guys heard about it because it was a Facebook thing, but anyway, this happened:
The guy lives pretty much around the corner from me. Pretty disgusted at what happened to him
Only subscribers can access our premium articles and features.

Wth that's weird, I'm not a Herald Sun subscriber (like ew)

Try this one then:
I've had altercations with the primary suspect in the past, too. She's frequently made death threats to several of the cleaning and security staff here, so I wouldn't be surprised if she is the culprit. I hope the victim is alright... last I heard she was in critical condition
This one isn't exactly local, but w/e

Anyways, there was a shooting at a mall that I sometimes go to when I'm in the area
So the control panel for my city's train system was evacuated because a water leaked onto the fire alarm. This false alarm stopped every single train in the network and trust me being stranded on the train is hella balls; I ended up being about an hour late to work, along with thousands of other commuters.

So in case you were wondering, yes, a single point of failure can shut down Melbourne's entire train network.

Absolutely disgusting, Islamic State are a bunch of extremists. Allah mentions in the Quran only attack people IF they attack you, do not attack people on purpose if they are not harming you. it's just plain wrong what they are doing at the moment.
Jerry Brown just signed SB277 into law without strings attached. That means it will aim removing those pesky and harmful nonmedical exemptions that are used to circumvent mandatory vaccinations. If children don't get vaccinated (barring those who can't get vaccinated due to medical reasons), they must attend private or home schooling. This means California, along with West Viginia and Mississippi will have the toughest vaccine laws in the country.


This is great news, especially after that Disneyland measles outbreak, which could've been prevented easily if there were improved vaccination rates in certain pockets in the state. We need tougher laws in vaccination.

I hope other states eventually follow suit! :fancy:

I don't know if this should be its own thread, but posting here anyway.
So anyways here's my town today and why my power went off right before the awesomenauts match











22:29 banjonator1 was your house damaged?
22:30 Pidgey oh god
22:30 Anton{Politoed} https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11009971_10207276184612085_194355342860182632_n.jpg?oh=1d9d26bd65bbb19484ddaf7149af3d6d&oe=564FAFC1
22:30 Anton{Politoed} https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11738028_10207276184772089_564566777999383800_n.jpg?oh=57c41efa4b470ce6598524692d8567ae&oe=56588854
22:30 Pidgey why
22:30 Anton{Politoed} no
22:30 Anton{Politoed} our yard was flooded but our house is on an incline high enough
22:30 Pidgey that's good, that's all we care about
22:30 Anton{Politoed} the deli I work at was like right in the middle of it
22:30 Pidgey rip anton's yard
22:30 Anton{Politoed} but the owner upon purchasing the property made sure to know
22:31 Anton{Politoed} it will never flood
22:31 *** Mariofan169 joined #mwchat Mibbit@59-576-524-438.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net
22:31 Anton{Politoed} the deli is surrounded by two creeks that lead to lake erie
22:31 Anton{Politoed} any flood water will just drain into them or the other direction
22:31 Anton{Politoed} the fire dept. though is fucked lol
22:31 banjonator1 good to hear
22:31 banjonator1 good to hear that youre safe
22:31 banjonator1 not that the fire dept is fucked
22:31 Anton{Politoed} https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11225399_10207276183572059_7161545761543297468_n.jpg?oh=1a432bcab766d1fb9762ca7af5fdd334&oe=560EB906
22:32 banjonator1 anton make sure to get on the news
22:32 Anton{Politoed} https://scontent-lga1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/q86/p180x540/11696452_10207356377766994_1154168256808748370_o.jpg
22:32 Anton{Politoed} there's the fire dept.
22:32 Anton{Politoed} the deli is like 2 houses away
22:32 Anton{Politoed} there's a creek in between
I was actually there during the incident, only a few feet away. I even saw the man's belongings next to the train before the police backed away and put the yellow tape. I didn't witness the whole act myself, but I did see the train come to a weird stop and I heard people making noises of disbelief.


Here's a collection of the top facebook replies to the story

