post any random Mario thought on your mind

Baby Luigi said:
Yes, that's very apparent that this happens with new models, even for similar characters, because you're better off modeling new characters with different facial features, build, and hair from scratch than editing them (you will mess up UVs if you rely only on texture edits and vertex edits to get what you want). Even characters like Baby Luigi have unique UV maps. I just said that "She even looks like her head was Frakenstein'ed onto Peach's body.", which means that part of the post wasn't meant to be taken literally.

She's still a low-effort character to make, however. Modelers make tons of models per week, and modeling a character with a similar physique to another character won't take more than a day to fully get down if you're a professional. The animations take the most time to make because you practically need to keyframe a bunch of animations and as you said, Peach already has. And practically all of her moveset properties are from Peach, meaning they pretty much don't need to tweak anything if at all when it comes to bug and balance testing, which is another time-consuming part of the character process.

In addition, particle effect animations aren't all that hard to tweak.

Chrom has his old Final Smash model and Dark Pit/Ken have their existing character models tweaked. Also, I doubt that making models would be easy if they need to be of professional quality (the dresses in Ultimate have some weird clipping bugs). Even Bowser Jr almost didn’t make it because of the time to model the Koopalings.

Don’t Daisy and Peach have almost the same UV’s in Mario Kart 8?
Don't see how dressed having clipping bugs mean anything. And imo some of the model work sucks in this game (the Uvs in particular; Dr. Mario's UV are pretty bad; textures stretches like crap especially around the elbows) and if you are a pro, character modeling takes only a few days, and you don't need a big team to do character modeling.

Koopalings still seem very time consuming even if the result looks like complete shit for all of them, so why they even bother, I don't know. Koopalings still look vastly different from each other than Daisy with Peach though.

Gad, if no one wants to show me the UVs then fine, whatever but stop bringing them up and assuming crap especially if you aren't a modeler or never played with UV unwrapping until you can show me the texture sheet + mesh wireframe
memoryman3 said:
Also, I doubt that making models would be easy if they need to be of professional quality (the dresses in Ultimate have some weird clipping bugs). Even Bowser Jr almost didn’t make it because of the time to model the Koopalings.

1. As I said, modelers make tons of models on a daily basis. Environmental model artists are the most requested job in game development, and those make a lot, lot of models per week. If you're a pro, you can make a fully functional character model like Daisy in three days maximum. In addition, there may be separate people doing rigging/animation and texture artist, but it could also potentially be a modeler doing all of those at once.

2. Dresses are a huge pain in general to animate and not look bad. I would like to see you try rigging a dress via jiggle bones and not have some oddities with it especially when the game gets very demanding and puts the jigglebones on their extreme limits. Even character rigs themselves don't hold up all the time in any Smash game because characters go in many extreme poses that no rig can hold up to.

3. There are seven separate Koopalings to animate and rig to. That alone makes them the most time-consuming character to get down. At least they probably share their skeletons aside from a few tweaks to their bone structure.
Looks like a giant empty plate... I think that's what he's saying.


Why u get no voice acting :'(
Yes, why not have a 45th career after the 44th one, which was to be a painting?
You know...

Only if used sparingly.
I mean, Sunshine's voice acting wasn't the best, but at least it was better than 64's voice work. Have you heard just how bad its voices for Bowser and Peach are? It's laughable. (And no, we don't speak of that one CD-i game)
Dream Stone Spirit said:
I mean, Sunshine's voice acting wasn't the best, but at least it was better than 64's voice work.

Sunshine gave us Toadsworth's blessed voice, with such favorites as "ADDA BLABLA BLABLA" and "OHH NO".
Moldomré said:
Dream Stone Spirit said:
I mean, Sunshine's voice acting wasn't the best, but at least it was better than 64's voice work.

Sunshine gave us Toadsworth's blessed voice, with such favorites as "ADDA BLABLA BLABLA" and "OHH NO".
Toadsworth and Mario were the best of it. Bowser Jr. and the Toads were all right. Peach was too quiet and high pitched (contrary to 64 where she was too low-pitched), and Bowser's voice was outright laughable (but not quite to the extent of 64).

It seems that the infallible Luigi somehow managed to beat The Perfect Run (and literally every other mission in SMG2) with no deaths--and only one month after the game's release! (Image taken from the Super Mario Bros. Encyclopedia)
Clearly, he did nothing.
i just discovered this and i am honestly amazed
According to the Tetris & Dr. Mario instruction manual, the red virus is female, making it the only one until the introduction of the magenta virus in Dr. Luigi.
this has been? a dudette all along?

i know it may not be official and logically they really shouldnt have genders but still........ She?
We need more female characters that aren't explicitly female so I support introducing this into my headcanon.
World Heroes 2 had Mario, Bowser, Sonic, Ryu, Chun-Li, M. Bison, Leo, Haggar, and Goku five years before Smash Bros. was even conceived.
Maybe I got a reputation for being hard to impress with the soundtracks of video games, but I genuinely like Mario + Rabbids's soundtrack a whole lot. It's surprisingly mellow and calming to listen to, when you're in a game with arm cannons named "Hell in a shell", Luigi is sniping big fat ugly Rabbids getting chomped by Chain Chomps, and Mario is bashing crazy, ugly Rabbids in the face and giving them a makeover with a fist-ended Hammer (which I think that and the arm cannon should totally be part of his moveset). Not to mention, I played my share of DK64 and know some Banjo music and the Grant Kirkthrope voice is strong in that one (like some background instruments and notes sound like Fungi Forest at night). I like the soundtrack of this one more than most other Mario games. My favorite track so far is Hoppers! at 1:23, and I find myself humming to it, so something was done right. It's weird because I like this one way more than the tracks at Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It's really a shame we didn't get a single track from Mario + Rabbids despite getting some spirits, but sure, let's have some mediocre slightly sped-up "remixes" of overworld themes from super popular games that already have "remixes" instead
Mario Galaxy's soundtrack is great, but I haven't been impressed by soundtrack in such a long time, hearing orchestra stuff from video game soundtracks sounding interesting again is so nice. Dream Team isn't that great compared to Mario + Rabbids, and actually, overall, in Mario + Rabbids, there isn't a single track so far I hate, unlike in Galaxy. Galaxy also gave me ear-ache Gusty Gardens which I'm so sick of hearing, and I'm sure they're not going to spam us with Mario + Rabbids music in the future. Galaxy is home to a lot of duds like Kamella battle theme (ew), the Rabbit chasing music (ew), the Loopdeloop (ew), Beach Bowl (forgettable), Major Burrows (forgettable), mixed with the orchestrated stuff which are the only good parts of the soundtrack. Mario + Rabbids is at least more consistent so far with the soundtrack.
Speaking of Mario + Rabbids...I feel like I haven't been getting as much enjoyment out of it as I should. I mean, it's just too dang hard! And I say this as someone who loves to let those Easy Mode buttons rot to waste while I cheese the game without it. I think I'm getting started on World 3 right now, but I haven't touched the game in ages, so I'm not entirely sure. I like hard games, but that's only after the satisfaction of beating them. I just can't beat this game. And my 8-year-old brother could. It's a bit shaming, especially considering that I somehow beat The Perfect Run, aka the greatest challenge Mario has ever faced, a few years back.

It's a similar case to Super Mario RPG, where I'm stuck on the literally unbeatable first boss, Croco. I mean, do they really expect me to be at Level 20 that early in the game? It just feels unfair and cheap.
Croco isn't hard at all. Just light his tail on fire.
Dream Stone Spirit said:
It's a similar case to Super Mario RPG, where I'm stuck on the literally unbeatable first boss, Croco. I mean, do they really expect me to be at Level 20 that early in the game? It just feels unfair and cheap.

He's annoying, yes, but using fire attacks is your best option.
Dream Stone Spirit said:
Speaking of Mario + Rabbids...I feel like I haven't been getting as much enjoyment out of it as I should. I mean, it's just too dang hard! And I say this as someone who loves to let those Easy Mode buttons rot to waste while I cheese the game without it. I think I'm getting started on World 3 right now, but I haven't touched the game in ages, so I'm not entirely sure. I like hard games, but that's only after the satisfaction of beating them. I just can't beat this game. And my 8-year-old brother could. It's a bit shaming, especially considering that I somehow beat The Perfect Run, aka the greatest challenge Mario has ever faced, a few years back.

It's a similar case to Super Mario RPG, where I'm stuck on the literally unbeatable first boss, Croco. I mean, do they really expect me to be at Level 20 that early in the game? It just feels unfair and cheap.
It's just that you're not good at RPGs, and you're not going to be good at every genre of game. Despite how much I enjoy platformers I'd game over in Mario games if it wasn't for reset tricks that I can use to keep lives and power-ups, or just infinite 1-Up tricks.