post any random Mario thought on your mind

You mean the WHOA palace otherwise known as the Vanish Cap Switch Course?
it's not wrong if i like minecraft the most as a game. also i do get sm64 was revolutionary and so on but i'm only 17 i wasn't even alive in 1996 and i didn't play this game until 2019 so yeah that doesn't change my enjoyment of the game much.

Of course it isn't wrong. I'm just saying Minecraft is worse because I'm the only one who knows what games are better than others while everyone else is nitpicking and biased so I win *sobs*.

Hot take: Super Mario 64 is an outdated game that's been surpassed by later games in, not only the Mario series, but the genre as a whole. I do still think it holds up today in some areas, but it's nowhere near the masterpiece that many people claim it to be.

Outdated it is, but for it's time god I'm sure it was great. An outdated game can hold up if it's still fun anyway, even if other games surpass it a lot in controls and graphics and stuff.

you'll just have to accept that your favorite stuff will become only more and more irrelevant with younger generations

You make Steve say "Thank you so much for a to playing my game" when you win then we start talking *uncontrollable sobbing*.

Also of course Minecraft will be less outdated if it gets updated trillions of times.
Oh, well, you'll have to write a petition to Nintendo demanding they continue to have Mario say "thank you so much for playing my game" then. He didn't say it in Odyssey if I recall correctly.
Of course he didn't. That's why SM64 is still special👌.

He doesn't break the 4th wall by saying "press start to play" either.
He said "thank you so much for playing my game" in Galaxy, so Super Mario 64 isn't special in that regard.

But the "press start to play" is a unique one. Same with "I'mma tired!".

Also in the manual

"A plan this maniacal, this cunning...this must be the work of Bowser!"
Well make Steve say so eeeein mist or MAma MIAaAaAaAaa then.

Steve is uglier than SM64 Mario anyway. Bunch of cubes and cuboids stuck together with flex tape and his face looks like he put it in a blender for being that blurry.
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Never liked Minecraft's art style that much to begin with. I prefer Garry's Mod.
Exactly. The music is not as good either.

And now that I've won the argument, all of you will be sentenced to 75 years in prison mwhahahahahah.
actually i do kinda remember mario saying thank you so much for playing my game at the end of mario odysseys credits? then again that was like. a year and a half ago and ive skipped the credits since so i might be misremembering
Hot take: Super Mario 64 is an outdated game that's been surpassed by later games in, not only the Mario series, but the genre as a whole. I do still think it holds up today in some areas, but it's nowhere near the masterpiece that many people claim it to be.

This isn't a hot take because it's a fact
You make Steve say "Thank you so much for a to playing my game" when you win then we start talking *uncontrollable sobbing*.
actually that's probably fairly easy to do, though i wouldn't know how lmao. minecraft (java) is one of the easiest games i know of to mod, there'll be a file in there for the music that plays during the end credits, then you'd have a voice actor record that line and shove it on the end in a sound editor, then put that back in the game.

anyway the art style, music, and mario saying thank you don't even matter since i stated in my earlier post that the list was only on gameplay
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This isn't a hot take because it's a fact

But it was amazing for it's time surely👌.

actually that's probably fairly easy to do, though i wouldn't know how lmao. minecraft (java) is one of the easiest games i know of to mod, there'll be a file in there for the music that plays during the end credits, then you'd have a voice actor record that line and shove it on the end in a sound editor, then put that back in the game.

anyway the art style, music, and mario saying thank you don't even matter since i stated in my earlier post that the list was only on gameplay

But Steve will never say it officially *sob*.

Anyway if it's just the gameplay then idk you probably prefer the sandbox and building aspect of that game a lot more than SM64's gameplay and think Steve controls a lot better for that game than Mario does for SM64 as a 3d platformer. If I were to play as Steve with his current controls in a Mario 64-esque 3d platformer it would bore the hell out of me, but they're good for the kind of game they're in I guess, even if I don't like the game itself that much.
But it was amazing for it's time surely👌.
Doesn't mean it holds up today. Standards change, what was once a good game can now feel outdated and poorly designed, and Super Mario 64 is an unfortunate victim of this. It's a miracle that some parts have still managed to hold up after all this time, considering how poorly those aspects have aged in other platforms from it's time.
Idk dude I can play it really well and have fun with it. It's a game that works, even if it's aged compared to Galaxy 1 or other games. I also like to judge games based on how great they were back then I guess.

Do you think OOT is no longer a masterpiece then? I guess Nes Punch Out is the worst game ever now too, thanks to its amazing successors which have a lot more replay value.
Do you think OOT is no longer a masterpiece then?
whilst this question wasn't aimed at me i'll give my two cents: whilst i do recognise zelda games aren't perfectly my type, i enjoy this game yes, but not as much as MaRPGs say, i won't invalidate people completely loving this game but myself i see no real reason to call this the best game ever.
Idk dude I can play it really well and have fun with it. It's a game that works, even if it's aged compared to Galaxy 1 or other games. I also like to judge games based on how great they were back then I guess.
I've always thought of that as a bad way of looking at games, it's like looking at an old car, sure it was revolutionary for it's time, but you wouldn't want to use it today beyond the novelty of using one of the first cars ever made.

I don't think Super Mario 64 is bad, just one that hasn't aged well. If you enjoy it, then that's good, I enjoy it too! It's just that I personally don't see any reason to return to it after all these years when I can play a game that did what Super Mario 64 did, but better.

Do you think OOT has aged too? I guess Nes Punch Out is the worst game ever now too, thanks to its amazing successors which have a lot more replay value.

I also think Ocarina of Time has aged poorly, however I don't feel I'm the right person to judge that as I don't like The Legend of Zelda series in general.

I've only ever played Punch-Out!! (NES) and Super Punch-Out!!, didn't really enjoy them that much, but might just be because they're not the sort of game I enjoy.
I've always thought of that as a bad way of looking at games, it's like looking at an old car, sure it was revolutionary for it's time, but you wouldn't want to use it today beyond the novelty of using one of the first cars ever made.

I don't think Super Mario 64 is bad, just one that hasn't aged well. If you enjoy it, then that's good, I enjoy it too! It's just that I personally don't see any reason to return to it after all these years when I can play a game that did what Super Mario 64 did, but better.
i use this principle in my review thread, which explains my negative conclusion on Super Mario Bros. despite being great when it came out
The older car may no longer be a masterpiece, and be surpassed by other games eventually, but if that car is still fun to use on its own right then it's still fun to use what're you gonna do about it lol. Otherwise it's like looking at Steamboat Willie now and sending it straight to hell for being old. When I say "fantastic for its time" I think more about "great back then and should still be good enough today aside from being a classic". I admit I didn't think about this that way before when I said ah what a great game SM64 is tho. It was more of a religious nostalgia thing lol, but I think it's still good enough.

Now, I'm more confused about NES games. So many of them have aged badly except for SMB3 and a few others if one mentions games that surpass them later. Metroid NES may be a classic but oh god I cannot play that without a map.
Some games age worse than others. For example, I still find Diddy Kong Racing still mighty fun to play today, I think it has aged pretty well. Compared to Mario Kart 64, that is.
Some games age worse than others. For example, I still find Diddy Kong Racing still mighty fun to play today, I think it has aged pretty well. Compared to Mario Kart 64, that is.
I agree
It might be just because there hasn't been a single worthy follow-up to Diddy Kong Racing
Flying as a plane in Sonic & All-Stars Transformed certainly scratched that itch for a kart-racing game with planes in it. Gliders from Mario Kart 7 just won't cut it.
Gliders, underwater, magnetism just aren't as good as how Sonic and Sega All stars Racing handled water and air segments. Mario Kart just didn't do enough so those segments are more aesthetic rather and help with the track appearance but little else. Gliding is shallow as hell, it's just like getting shot from a cannon but without the invincibility frames.
Now now, I'm sure you like MK64 more than Sonic R :babymario: .

Well at least gameplay matters above all else. I don't tend to judge old games based on their graphics. i find SMB3 a lot more fun than God of War 3 for example lol.

EDIT: Crap you two ninja'd my post with like five of them at once what the hell lmao.