post any random Mario thought on your mind

They had very positive relations with each other in Partners in Time.

hell, Baby Luigi adored his time with Luigi so much he didn't want to go back.
Baby Luigi said:
I still demand an explanation to why Baby Luigi and Luigi and Baby Mario and Mario have only neutral chemistry to each other.

I probably would have negative chemistry with my baby self due to a general dislike of crying children.
Baby Luigi said:
I still demand an explanation to why Baby Luigi and Luigi and Baby Mario and Mario have only neutral chemistry to each other.
Because Baby Luigi will grow up and eventually do THAT thing. And, that other thing.
Recently, I've been thinking about possible alternate universes for Mario. Here are some I thought of. Hope you guys have some cool ideas of your own.

*Genderswapped version. Now that that one's out of the way, on to the real ones I thought of.

*In this first one, Kamek attacked the stork and kidnapped Luigi as normal. However, instead of rescuing Luigi from Kamek, the Yoshies raise Mario as their own, and he grows up to become a Tarzan of some sort. Meanwhile, Kamek raises Luigi to be a dark sorcerer, and he eventually becomes King Koopa (haven't decided what would become of Bowser yet).

I know I said I'd have more than one, but I'm having a lot of fun thinking up this one. Kinda wish I could illustrate so I could make this a web comic.
A51_Trooper said:
Bad chemistry:
Wario and Birdo

Reminds me of Wario's Woods, where Birdo and Wario would take turns on the top of the screen. Birdo is beneficial for the player while Wario is dangerous, so I guess in this way, the Wario and Birdo chemistry made sense.

Thanks for reading.
winstein said:
Reminds me of Wario's Woods, where Birdo and Wario would take turns on the top of the screen. Birdo is beneficial for the player while Wario is dangerous, so I guess in this way, the Wario and Birdo chemistry made sense.

Thank you, now I understand why they don't like each other.
Magikrazy said:
*In this first one, Kamek attacked the stork and kidnapped Luigi as normal. However, instead of rescuing Luigi from Kamek, the Yoshies raise Mario as their own, and he grows up to become a Tarzan of some sort. Meanwhile, Kamek raises Luigi to be a dark sorcerer, and he eventually becomes King Koopa (haven't decided what would become of Bowser yet).

Can someone email this to Nintendo please? It sounds like it would make for a really interesting game. Well, at least as long as the ending doesn't suck when you find out out was all for naught because it was a dream, and...whoever the player's character is wakes up just to find the same old Luigi right next to them. Not in the awkward way, if course.

E: That kinda makes sense too, because in YNI you see Baby Mario remembering Baby Luigi, but according to the real world, babies don't think like that.

E2: (had this all typed up, then lost it >_>) You could also go The Jungle Book route, just replace Mowgli with Mario (alliteration unintended), Shere Khan with Kamek, the rest of the animals with Yoshis, and throw in Luigi and the stork because you kinda have to. Then you have one of two things happen: either Mario rescues Luigi like you can expect from every Yoshi game, or you could make it one of those decisions. Either save Luigi but leave Kamek, or get rid of Kamek for "good" but not save Luigi, who would then side with Bowser and Kamek.. I put "good" in quotes because knowing Bowser, he would just revive Kamek in the next game. Then, after all is said and done, either Mario and Luigi (with his cool new magic powers that he would use for the greater good) return to the Mushroom Kingdom and go save Peach like always, or Mario returns to the Mushroom Kingdom without Luigi, who has now replaced Bowser as the king of the Koopas.
Is anyone familiar with random historical/popular figures? This is an excerpt from Dinosaur Dilemma:

[quote author=this is an officially licensed book]Splat! As the mighty Slimosaurs explode, they shower the distinguished Koopa guests with smelly green and yellow dino-goo.

"This is an outrage! screams Gary Koopa. He wipes some of the sticky green goo from his tuxedo.

Mario and Yoshi stay hidden on the floor, behind a pile of empty Slimosaur shells.

"This fortress is definitely hazardous to my health," huffs C. Everett Koopa. "I'm leaving!"

"I'm getting far away from this apocalypse, now!" says Francis Ford Koopola.

"This is the last of the weekends I spend in this place," mutters James Fennimore Koopa. He and the other splattered turtles turn towards the exit.[/quote]

Obviously, these Koopas are a reference to actual people, and their lines are likely references as well. Still, I'm having a bit of trouble matching everything up.

  • Gary Koopa - likely esteemed actor Gary Cooper, although I have no idea if he has a famous line involving "outrage".
  • C. Everett Koopa - C. Everett Koop, 13th Surgeon General of the United States and a vice admiral in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. His line about health is because he's a doctor, obviously.
  • James Fennimore Koopa - James Fenimore Cooper, prolific author; "the last of the weekends" seems like a reference, but I can't find anything.
  • Francis Ford Koopola - Francis Ford Coppola, the famous director of Apocalypse Now. If you hadn't noticed the pun yet, you may now groan.

Francis Ford Koopola is so on-the-nose that it'd be weird if the other characters' lines weren't similarly references.

On a side note, this book has an absurd amount of ways in which Mario dies in morbid ways, because that's the kind of book meant for the young audience of the Mario series.
"the last of the weekends" seems like a reference, but I can't find anything.

last of the mohicans
Time Turner said:
On a side note, this book has an absurd amount of ways in which Mario dies in morbid ways, because that's the kind of book meant for the young audience of the Mario series.
Oh my god, Super Mario Fact fodder. :D
Striker Mario said:
Time Turner said:
On a side note, this book has an absurd amount of ways in which Mario dies in morbid ways, because that's the kind of book meant for the young audience of the Mario series.
Oh my god, Super Mario Fact fodder. :D

As if all of those "Mario must die" videos weren't enough
Striker Mario said:
Time Turner said:
On a side note, this book has an absurd amount of ways in which Mario dies in morbid ways, because that's the kind of book meant for the young audience of the Mario series.
Oh my god, Super Mario Fact fodder. :D
I'm bored enough to list every single "Game Over" from this book. All of them involve death.

(On a side note, Bowser's master plan involves capturing all of the dinosaurs on Dinosaur Land into eggs and turning them into a giant omelette)
  • If Mario has a basket of apples, a group of Moles disguised as dinosaurs remove their costumes and eat him
  • If Mario chooses the wrong path while being chased by Moles, he falls into a pit and is eaten by an aquatic Blargg
  • If Mario incorrectly reads a turtle footballer's calls, fails to avoid a group of Spike Tops, or fails to avoid a group of Swoopers, he is knocked out by a shell and wakes up later to find that Bowser has taken over Dinosaur Land and exterminated literally every dinosaur
  • If Mario and Yoshi try to sneak into Bowser's fortress through the front entrance, Bowser captures them and immediately gives them to his guests as a snack
  • If Mario and Yoshi are hit by a group of Hammer Bros' hammers, they are knocked out, and the Hammer Bros then start looking up recipes that involve plumbers
  • If Mario pulls the wrong lever while on a conveyor belt going into a giant omelette machine with dozens of eggs around him, he is covered in an assortment of sloppy food while Yoshi is packed into an egg by Bowser and thrown into the omelette machine with the other egged dinosaurs
  • If Mario does not have a pair of scissors while fighting the Tie-rack-asaurus Necks, the monster twists Mario into a tie (specifically a half-Windsow) and wears him around one of his necks
  • If Mario and Yoshi are knocked out by the Times-Square-atops and wander into a lava pit, they are almost immediately swallowed by a monster
  • If Mario does not have a Super Star, the Thesaurus pulverizes him while the narration provides over a dozen synonyms for a man being brutally beaten
  • If Mario smashes an egg, it breaks open to reveal a dead Luigi; Mario can kill his brother one page before the victory screen
  • Time Turner said:
    • If Mario smashes an egg, it breaks open to reveal a dead Luigi; Mario can kill his brother one page before the victory screen

    oh man you have to post the page for that one
That's my favorite one.

Though the Thesaurus one, if taken way out of context, is also very hilarious.
Magikrazy said:
Sometimes being a super hero isn't all it's cracked up to be.
cue Seinfeld music

It often makes me wonder who came up with the idea of Deadpool. He looks like a Deathstroke (a DC universe villain) wannabe, or at least that's how I feel.

In fact, a hero who kills more than the villain makes you ask the question, "Who's the real villain here?!"

Still, Bowser puts a lot of lives at risk with his plans for dominating the Mushroom Kingdom; if Bowser gets his way, then things would definitely turn dark.
MnSG said:
It often makes me wonder who came up with the idea of Deadpool. He looks like a Deathstroke (a DC universe villain) wannabe, or at least that's how I feel.

Rob Liefeld. And that's because Deadpool is a Deathstroke rip off. It wasn't until other people started writing him that we got the 4th wall breaking goofball people are enamored with.
You know, I get the feeling that when people say "oh Bowser isn't all that bad, he's a pretty good guy once you get to know him" haven't actually payed any attention to all the nasty things he's done over the years.

He's cartoonishly evil (as he should be for a series like this) but he's still bad.

He kidnaps princesses, attempts to conquer kingdoms, steals birthday presents and forces you to go buy him jewelry.
Not to mention that one time he wanted to kill literally every dinosaur in the world so that he could publish a phony article describing how the dinosaurs went extinct because they didn't look both ways before crossing the street so that he would receive a Snowbell Prize so that he can become the curator of a museum that's across the street from Princess Peach's castle so that he can "throw rotten banana peels" and "play all kinds of mean tricks."

None of that was an exaggeration.