Your ideas of what should be implemented in a Mario game/Your Mario game ideas.

Fawfulthegreat64 said:
I'm saddened that people would rather have characters who have never appeared in a canon Mario game over ones relevant to that universe.

I get that you like the characters but why push for their inclusion in a game where they don't belong?

I'm being completely and honestly curious right now. Why do people support the decision to make this a crossover?
Anyway, I've seen people complain that "omg it's Mario Kart" whenever someone discusses about Link, Isabelle, and Villager make it playable instead of "RPG dude #7" or whatever. I'll say, no, these guys should be able to have some business in Mario Kart.

First, this isn't the first Mario Kart game that stars nonMario characters. Mario Kart Arcade GP games have Namco characters like Blinky, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Mametchi, and Don-Chan. But these guys are more like the exception rather than the rule, because the MKAGP games are developed by a third party, Namco, and wildly deviates from Mario Kart. But even barring those games, Mario Kart also featured R.O.B., a guest character who is playable only in Mario Kart DS. Miis also cross the line of nonMario characters, but we'll let that slide since they are apparently a system feature that some people enjoy racing as their Mii alongside Mario characters.

Mario Kart is a highly popular franchise: it's still strong in its 8th installment, as popular as ever and helped bump the Wii U up a notch when it comes to sales. Mario Kart 8 is also the first game to deal with DLC, an entirely new concept for Mario Kart (Mario Kart 7 had a patch but it doesn't count). DLC is usually viewed as a bonus; you don't necessarily need it to get more enjoyment out of a game. Because it's an extra side thing, you'll get extra side characters. See, these characters are not in the game by default and you don't need them to enjoy the game. So it's perfect fodder to add some guest characters, right?

NonMario characters are highly requested but the Mario Kart team director was hesitant to add them at first. They obviously changed their mind post Mario Kart 8 production. It's like, hey, DLC is an optional bonus, maybe we can convince people to buy the DLC. Link is a hyped up character to add. And a revolutionary idea! Link comes from a highly popular franchise, also by Nintendo, so they don't have to get any rights. Link is a fairly popular character. He's probably more of a favorable choice to race as to the general Mario Kart audience than *obscure Mario character here*, simply because he's a well-known character that many people would probably love to race as. Villager and Isabelle also fall in the same vein, but not as much as Link. Coming with that also opens the opportunity to make other Nintendo tracks, which opens for experimentation and variety, not to mention fanservice for the general Nintendo fans.

Not to mention other video game franchises are open to guest characters, which is totally fine. Sega Racing, for example, features platform specific characters. The PC version of Sega Racing has Team Fortress characters playable. In a Soul Calibur game, Darth Vader is playable, alongside Link, characters who shouldn't have any business in these games but were included to draw fans in. I may be ignorant of what other franchises do, but it's silly to bash Mario Kart for including nonMario characters in this game when other games have been doing something like this far before Mario Kart has done anything of the sort.

I'm not justifying the lack of Mario characters but this is my thoughts on why "it's MARIO kart" argument is weak and has flimsy reasoning.

tl;dr nonMario characters in Mario Kart are ok and expect more of them in the near future.
There should be a realistic Great Ape War millitary sim
Press X to execute Manky Kong.
Glowsquid said:
There should be a realistic Great Ape War millitary sim
Needs Bluster Kong amiibo.
Bluster Kong is the reject kong that even the other reject kongs don't like
There will be a bloody bat and a crown in Bowser's room.
I think my idea for a Mega Man X7 styled main series Mario platformer sounds creative, doesn't it?
Just as long as everyone throughout Mushroom Kingdom sees Wario's face broadcasted to the sky.
I thought of a great idea of Peach having her own Metroidvania game. It can be a sequel to Super Princess Peach for the DS. It can be a game based all around upgradeablity like say Metroid or Castlevania: Symphony of The Night. The Metroidvania genre is perfect for Peach. Plus it can have an excellent score by the fantastic Michiru Yamane. Peach can go to various different castles and she can rescue many other princesses. In those various castles she can find item upgrades to her Parasol, clothing and various other items. Clothing can include her dress, a fire dress for her flame parasol, her bikers's outfit and so many other outfits that effect her speed. Peach can grab boots which make her run fast and jump high. Plus Peach can have various hairstyles that can affect her speed.

That sounds like a very fun game to me. How does the idea of Peach's very own Metroidvania adventure sound?
In 2D Mario:
~Drop the live system and add Rayman Origins level of challenge and difficulty.
~Give Mario a basic melee attack that he can do as Small Mario/Super Mario.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Stop relying so heavily of the standard world motifs.
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.

In 3D Mario:
~Drop the live system.
~Bring back the Super Mario 64/Super Mario Sunshine style health system, but compensate by making the enemies tougher.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Bring back large hubworlds with things to do and NPCs to interact with, maybe add some side quests?
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.
I like your ideas, just two things.

I feel bringing back the old health system would make it too easy. Either the Galaxy health bar or what we have now is fine.

The other thing is about getting rid of lives. I like the idea, but coins would be useless without lives. I was thinking that coins could instead be used to buy power-ups at Toad Houses. What do you think of that idea?
I know you're probably joking, but coins have been an integral part of Mario games. They're everywhere. It's too late to just get rid of them.
Magikrazy said:
I like your ideas, just two things.

I feel bringing back the old health system would make it too easy. Either the Galaxy health bar or what we have now is fine.

The other thing is about getting rid of lives. I like the idea, but coins would be useless without lives. I was thinking that coins could instead be used to buy power-ups at Toad Houses. What do you think of that idea?

I suppose the Galaxy health system could work as well, however the reason why I suggested bringing back 64/Sunshine's health system is so it would encourage the devs to make tougher enemies and stronger bosses that can dish out more of a whoopin'.

I do like the idea of using coins to purchase power-ups as that would add more value to them and encourage players to pick them up more actively.
CosmicTanooki364 said:
In 2D Mario:
~Drop the live system and add Rayman Origins level of challenge and difficulty.
~Give Mario a basic melee attack that he can do as Small Mario/Super Mario.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Stop relying so heavily of the standard world motifs.
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.

In 3D Mario:
~Drop the live system.
~Bring back the Super Mario 64/Super Mario Sunshine style health system, but compensate by making the enemies tougher.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Bring back large hubworlds with things to do and NPCs to interact with, maybe add some side quests?
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.
We think a like.

As for the last points, I was thinking of giving Mario an extra health wedge or an extra hit to not only make him specialized but easier for newer players. Of course, his drawback would be painfully average stats.

Coins are a staple of the Mario series. I suggest using coins as a method of unlocking extra things, like extra power stars, star coins, or fulfilling coin collection challenges.
CosmicTanooki364 said:
In 2D Mario:
~Drop the live system and add Rayman Origins level of challenge and difficulty.
~Give Mario a basic melee attack that he can do as Small Mario/Super Mario.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Stop relying so heavily of the standard world motifs.
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.

In 3D Mario:
~Drop the live system.
~Bring back the Super Mario 64/Super Mario Sunshine style health system, but compensate by making the enemies tougher.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Bring back large hubworlds with things to do and NPCs to interact with, maybe add some side quests?
~When multiple characters are playable, Give Mario a ability that makes him stand out from the rest instead of making him the "Jack of all trades" character.

Dropping the live system will make both 2D and 3D Marios to be just as tedious and atrocious when you get a game over. It'll be even worse if it involves going back to the title screen like in Castlevania Symphony of the Night and the other Metroidvanias in the Castlevania franchise (includes Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness). Seriously that was the AVGN's complaint towards games that take him back to the title screen. But if there is a health upgrade option like in the Metroidvanias then it's okay.

I got something to add on.

Limit Peach's kidnappings to only 2 and make her a playable character.
Pwwnd, I don't understand what your point is.

Edit: Limit Peach's kidnappings to 2? In one game? Or do you mean only have her kidnapped 2 more times ever?