Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Ok, beat the game. My tip for the final boss is to stack up on like 10 reviver seeds, put ranged attacks on your Pokemon, and carry a throwable item (I thankfully had Silver Spikes and it made life easier). I beat it with both members at Level 23, btw. I'll post my thoughts later.

I couldn't help but think of Kirby whenever "it" was mentioned.

why did nuzleaf have to be evil (for the most part)

i liked him :(
Gamefreak75 said:
This has to be the most unrewarding entry in this series yet. The amount of bull*bleep* the game expects you to do in the story is unreal and I try to avoid battling Pokemon whenever I can because of it. This becomes blatantly apparent at Revelation Mountain. If it's not you getting surrounded by Pokemon with AoE moves or moves that reach >4 spaces, then it's dealing with your constantly draining PP and the *bleep*ing pathetic excuse of a bash attack. EXP gain feels less now as well. I despise, that you're forced to go through story dungeons and can't take the game at your own leisure, so if you're underleveled, then tough *bleep*. Not to mention most of the "boss" battles are complete horse*bleep*. I don't know if this game will hold my interest at all after I beat the main story, considering the story dungeons themselves are frustrating me to no end and these games are notorious for having difficult post-game dungeons. I know a lot of these are series staples, but it feels 10x worse here for some reason. It may be how utterly pointless leveling up is and gaining almost no new stats.

Sorry GameFreak, but my response is....um, welcome to rougelikes? This is pretty much how most other mystery dungeon games are, they're known to be difficult and a bit cheap like this. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon's difficulty is closer to other Mystery Dungeon games than the other Pokemon Mystery Dungeons.

The key to winning in this game is to use your items. Stack up on your wands, they'll help you go through the game very easily. The game gives you a lot of those for a reason. And also, Tiny Reviver Seeds are common as hell, keep those.

Timmy said:
I've gotten Ally Reviver and Treasure Hunter (those are only post game eh? Ally Reviver is so broken lol), but no idea what Go For Broke or Better Odds does since I haven't gotten one of those emeras yet. =P

Go For Broke appears in the later post-game dungeons. It increases all your stats heavily, but you can't get revived from Reviver Seeds. I think it's good; when you're about to die, just remove the looplet. But since I'm very strong, strong enough to at least two-shot all Pokemon in the dungeon, it helps me survive too, with better speed and defense.

Better Odds is awesome. Every time you use a move while your PP is an even number, it's a sure shot, critical hit attack always. That means every other attack gets a benefit from Better Odds. It's awesome.

Timmy said:
Also what type of Looplets do y'all carry for your team? I have a Resilient Looplet (prevents stat lowering), Weather Looplet (protects from hail & sandstorm damage, unsure if it nullifies effects like Fire moves being weaker in the Rain) and Detect Looplet (sometimes lets you dodge moves). I believe they each have 6 Emera Slots as well (man I was happy I got a new Resilient Looplet that let me carry 6 instead of 5 for my main Pokemon).

Before I retrieved the legendary looplets, I had the Weather Looplet and...a Special Attack Looplet or something for my partner.

As of now, my leader always carries a Grass Looplet (functions like Goggle Specs), a Well-Fed Looplet (fills up your belly twice as much as normal), and an Excavation Looplet (helps me find gold sparkles on the floor, helpful), though I'm considering replacing the Excavation Looplet with the other legendary looplets. The Mist Looplet looks like a very attractive option for partners. Or the X-Ray Specs I mean Sea Looplet.

Too bad most of these legendary looplets lack in slots but I think their effect is worth carrying.
True, I am ignorant on most rogue-likes/dungeon crawlers, but I wish the game didn't force you to continue on with the story, locking out exploring optional dungeons, and even the optional continents that they kind of make a big deal of, which I thought were going to play a role in the main story. That way, inexperienced people like myself can grind if they see fit, and the more experienced can just go ahead with the story. I had to end up grinding for Reviver Seeds on Pelipper Island (thank god for this) since the boss fight before the final boss drained me of all my reviver seeds.
Well yeah, but for me it's a good thing, because I wanted to get to the post-game as quickly as possible. I don't have much problem with the on-rails thing for that very reason. Because the post-game is always superior than the pre-story gameplay in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games imo.

It's a freaking hassle to travel to the different continents. I have no idea why they made it so time-confusing to ride the Lapras Liner every single time. Dunno why you can't stay at an inn or something overnight at the said continent so you don't have to toil back and forth every single damn day.