Big Brother 17

Ok so my views on Vanessa has been wavy on best depending on how much she helps or screws over my favorite players. But when she convinced Julia to blow up the Austwins plans on the Veto....that was just fucking amazing.

Seriously I think she has played the best game out of anybody. She's not going to win though. She's pissed off way too many people. But still.
The thing is that...Vanessa is the best one left on that show.

And I think we can all realize that if Julia goes out this week, Steve will literally lose against everyone if he makes Final 2 atm (Vanessa for 3 HoH wins and 2 Veto wins and basically controlling the entire game, Johnny Mac for how much he's been dodging the bullet and has won 3 vetos, Austin for HoH and Veto, and then Liz for two HoH wins, and all Steve has is two Veto wins and two HoHs, but he literally did nothing but just float the entire game compared to everyone else).

Honestly, Liz or Vanessa are going to win this season, and would not be surprised if that is who the final two are. I definitely think if it's Liz and Austin for final two (hold on, gotta barf), Liz will win against him. Honestly, Liz at this point seems to be the one that will most likely win it if she makes it to the end. It will be interesting to see who wins HoH this upcoming week, because if it's Liztin or Vanessa, then Steve and JMac are basically screwed.
yeah, she definitely should have, she was easily the best player this season. and she probably would have won if she had beaten and evicted Steve. I knew it was over when Steve won final HoH though. it's ok, he's a good winner. not a great winner, but a good one. I think he deserved it more than Liz, at least
I would actually argue as to Liz winning it over Steve.

Liz obviously did terrible during the questionings at the end, but she had amazing strengths that made her almost win the game. She was one of the players to make big moves in the game by taking out both Becky and James - two very competitive players that were not on her side. She also managed to avoid being "truly" nominated until the Final 6. Not to mention that she has aligned herself with a strong alliance and managed to survive even when the odds were against her and her twin.

Now, Steve had won 4 HoHs, but only his last HoH was it something worth his own crediting. The first HoH in the DE was a scratch because he got rid of Jackie, who was non-existant until Week 5, and even then she was all talk-no game. The second one he wasted it on Julia, who was someone that only won one veto. The third time he allowed Vanessa to get into his head and got him to throw the veto, and ended up losing Johnny Mac because of it. This is also the person that basically did nothing throughout the game but talk to himself, float in the background, and run away from people when they were interrogate him. His game was literally Vanessa's doing, and while he is like Ian in that his game began at the Jury, at least Ian made the moves to get rid of the tough competitors when he had the opportunity.

But yeah, the fact that Vanessa lost the game, being one of the greatest big brother players, was very depressing and shocking. She actually was against a cast that had brains, and was constantly under target a lot of the game, but managed to pull through week after week. I mean, she literally was known by the time Week 6 hit, and yet people still allowed her to stay. She was able to manipulate them into keeping her, and she played this game the best out of anyone this season. It was just one of those things where it's like...Steve is David and she is Goalith. She had it in the bag to win it, and was just cut short at the finish line.

And I'm glad that James won America's Favorite, though I am surprised he got it over Johnny Mac.

Now we wait until next season...hopefully it'll be much better. I'm sure if it is casted correctly it'll include some great players...
I'm the opposite, I thought Liz's individual gameplay was very unimpressive. She was good at challenges and there was Austwins but that's literally all I'm going to remember her for, plus as you said her performance on the jury questions was very poor which didn't help my opinion. Steve was kind of quiet for a while but I never really saw him as a true floater, and he did make a few good moves like splitting up Austwins and evicting the player he wouldn't have been able to beat at the end. Again I don't think either Liz or Steve are going to go down as being among the best Big Brother players ever, but I do think Steve played a better game than Liz.

We can definitely agree that Vanessa is one of the best players to play the game, though. And I thought Johnny Mac was going to win AFP too (I had always thought James would come in second), but I liked James more anyway.