The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes


Star Spirit

I'm actually really surprised there hasn't been a thread for this yet, it actually looks really fun imo and the Treehouse videos are driving that home for me.

I guess it's a bit too teamwork-oriented for my tastes (one person could bring everyone down), but it's still looking pretty good. Plus, online.
I'll have to wait and see more. If this is a full Zelda game, I'll get it, but this kinda feels like a Four Swords spin-off type thing.
FS was cool and all, but some of my least favorite Zelda games. I'm kind of feeling like this will be an okay game, but it's obvious it's just to buy time until Zelda U comes out. We'll see if it's good.
The confirmation of online player made me a bit more optimistic and pushed me closer to getting this game, but I'm going to wait and see how replayable it is as well as how "deep" the mechanics get (puzzles and boss-wise).
This looks pretty good. It was definitely a positive from the Digivent (a term coined by me right here). The online is also a big plus.

GalacticPetey said:
I'll have to wait and see more. If this is a full Zelda game, I'll get it, but this kinda feels like a Four Swords spin-off type thing.
I think Aonuma or someone else said this is like the Four Swords concept put into a bigger Zelda game.

Lapis Lazuli said:
FS was cool and all, but some of my least favorite Zelda games. I'm kind of feeling like this will be an okay game, but it's obvious it's just to buy time until Zelda U comes out. We'll see if it's good.
This already looks better than Four Swords.

2257 said:
it looks very forgettable

but i like how you can dress link up in a clown suit
What about Link crossdressing?
Unified Timeline (maybe sequel/prequel of four swords), Child Timeline (four swords adventures prequel/sequel) or Adult Timeline (toon link).

I know that it's too early to know which timeline it fits.
I say we worry about the timeline after the game has come out. No point is trying to speculate when we probably won't even know for sure until the game is out.

But let's be honest, basically all the multiplayer Zelda games don't really fit in the timeline like the other games do. FSA kind of makes no sense or connection to Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask; probably was only added there because it had Ganon, and MC and FS were before the events of OoT.
the timeline in zelda is more pointless than pondering about a rocks daily life
The Legend of Zelda:Tri Force Heroes

It's more like Zelda: Three Swords based on how there are two other Links accompanying Link. This game is expected for a fall release.
Eh, looks enjoyable, but seeing as how multiplayer-orientated it is I doubt I'll be picking it up.

The story of the game seems... different to say the least.

Tri Force Heroes takes place in a fashion-forward land whose name is currently unknown. The land's Princess has been cursed to wear a very bad outfit that she cannot take off.The king is in need of a hero to save her, but there is more than one person claiming to be that hero.
Duskull said:
The story of the game seems... different to say the least.

Tri Force Heroes takes place in a fashion-forward land whose name is currently unknown. The land's Princess has been cursed to wear a very bad outfit that she cannot take off.The king is in need of a hero to save her, but there is more than one person claiming to be that hero.
I wonder what that outfit looks like.
Duskull said:
The story of the game seems... different to say the least.

Tri Force Heroes takes place in a fashion-forward land whose name is currently unknown. The land's Princess has been cursed to wear a very bad outfit that she cannot take off.The king is in need of a hero to save her, but there is more than one person claiming to be that hero.
i'm sold
This game is just...

It's obviously filler so that there's a "Zelda" to stall people long enough not to go insane with the super long wait, but it just does not look so promising. The plot seems really corny, and the gameplay seems really simple and it's basically going to suck for people that don't have three 3DS' to play together (aka, probably most of us on this site), and it'll be another FS/FSA where it's not bad, but definitely one of the least impressive Zelda games. I don't mean to already off-put this game, especially since I haven't played it. Not to mention that Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are one of my favorite and least favorites (and yet they are very similar in appearance and performance). It'll definitely be cute and interesting to play, but I don't know if it'll really be memorable as a Zelda game, especially if Zelda U turns out to be as promising as it sounds.