Upcoming Game Catalog

This list is dedicated to incorporating upcoming Mafia games - no matter what stages they are in, whether it be still requesting sign-ups to awaiting roles to be sent out - so that people can know what the status of each game is, and be able to have easier access to those games. This is also to help promote the games for the host, and help encourage both the hosts and players to prepare and play more mafia games (respectively). There's a lot of great games waiting in store, so please, take a look before and see what's available now!

Upcoming Mafia Games:

* The games that have not had a host active in at least 3 months, or games that have not had a post within the past year will not be included in this list, since the status of those games are unknown. If the host bumps their game, then it'll be included in the list. Please do not bump their games just to make it get on the list; for all we know, they could be no longer interested in Mafia gaming, or not see it.

HOSTS: This thread is unlocked so that you can post updates about your games, or changes needed to this OP. It will be updated somewhat regularily. That doesn't mean that everything will be 100% since I'm not going to be babysitting these threads I have above, so please do post anything you think needs to be fixed or added/removed, ESPECIALLY if you cancel your game.

If you wish, you can let me know the date that the game will start (if you are planning in advance); I will bold it next to the other stuff.
GBAToad and Roleless Mafia III have been added to the list (sorry for the late update; super busy right now).

There are currently 19 games all waiting to begin, and they can be helped become reality either with a few more sign-ups, or the host getting stuff done with their games. I would love to see some Mafia games happen so that this is not a boring site.

Also, you guys can and should post in this thread so that I am not the only the one posting here. This thread is NOT locked. It makes it easier on me if you guys post your own new games and your own updates so that I can simply update the list instead of going through each and every thread and seeing what is different each time. I literally had someone message me and asked if I was going to update the catalog, with no feedback as to what needed to be updated, so please don't do that, because it doesn't help, and it definitely makes me want to smack you if you do that. Please and Thank you.
I've got enough people but could probably take more :P
Ah, yes; my game could also use the full 27 it's requesting, so type 7-14 needed.

Everyone should join my game by the way it's gonna be great.
I really would like to get my game started and I may have to start replacing people but please I am desperate at this point. I only need 4 more

please sign up and this game will start (and end) ASAP
Just to let everyone know; I will update this tomorrow.

My life has been rather everywhere and it's like swimming through hours and hours of homework and I'm finally being more than just "staying afloat" through all of it.

Thanks for being patient with me on this.
It must be a Thanksgiving Miracle, because I finally updated the Upcoming Game Catalog!

It took about half an hour, and I'm excited that I finally got it all done. Hopefully I can stay on better track with this. But the past is the past; it's updated, and Mafia board clean-up is taking place (finally).
Mary Berry said:
BMB Gabby and I need 21 not 11

also my reminder to update the op

Thank you for that note. It has been applied. Also, I will probably update this every 7-10 days if possible. If not I'll aim for at least every two weeks. I'm going to be more periodical with it now that I have more free time.

Other notes for everyone is that I've alphabeticalized the list so that it's easier to see and it's not just putting new games towards the bottom of the list. I also have Underlined the host(s) name so that it's a bit easier to see in the wall of text who is hosting the game.

If you feel that any other improvements need to be made - either with errors in the facts or suggestions for way to make it more appealing to the eyes - then I'm always here to help!
I'm going to check with Gabby on this but the minimum number for us will be 16. This is only tentative, but it would still be a good idea to add it.
Mary Berry said:
I'm going to check with Gabby on this but the minimum number for us will be 16. This is only tentative, but it would still be a good idea to add it.

I have made it so that it says [num of players] needed minimum, adding up to 16 total. In this case, it's 6 players signed up, 10 needed minimum.

Anyways, weekly update!

Sheep Mafia II has been added to the list! Hosted by Epic Nitwit, who is known as a great host, is bound to be very exciting and very fun! Make sure not to miss out on that!

I also added the start month for Dota Mafia (as it is written in the OP, so make sure to always read the OPs you guys!), and updated some numbers with the games that had more players sign up this week.

It's really nice to see that after 5 days since last updating that there was still quite a bit to update here, and it's nice to see people getting interested in all the games going on! There is still yet to be a game started in 2016, so while I wouldn't mind my game to kick it off in just 2 weeks, I would love to see some more joining in. Undertale Mafia is getting great attention, but it's rather lonely right now.

Also, just reminder while it's on my mind, don't forget that 'Shroom Mafia III exists in the 'Shroom board (for those that don't know what I'm talking about, look under "Central Boards", click on "General Discussion" or/and then "'Shroom" and it should be one of the stickied threads in that board). If you are still alive in the game, don't forget to be active with that as well.
OBNT could theoretically start now, but I'm waiting for at least the start of February to get it going.
The game has been added. For everyone's record, I'll probably update this list during the weekends, since it's easier on me, so don't fret if you make a new game tuesday and by friday it's not updated yet.
Weekly update.

Sheep Mafia II has been removed from the list since it has begun. It's in the first Night, so make sure to contribute to it!

Battlestar Galactica Mafia, hosted by Anton and MK, is a new game created this past week! They are looking for ~30, and they have just under half, so definitely check that out if you're interested. I'm sure it'll be an awesome game!

Other information includes when sign-ups close for OBNT Mafia by Tantusar, some numbers adjusted for ARFU Mafia and Dragon Mafia 2 and any other game updated since Jan 25th, and I believe that's it.

Make sure to be active in 'Shroom Mafia III in the 'Shroom Board if you're still in the game!
Alright, so didn't update it last week due to the crazy weekend I had, so I made up for this week.

Steven Universe Mafia and One Base, No Toppings Mafia both have begun! Be sure to be active and participate in their games. They are both at Night 1, so please either prepare for the next day phase with TONS of discussion and/or send powers in that the hosts spent a lot of time working on.

Nyrie's Meme(ish) Mafia is a new mafia game by the wonderful Nysic, who co-hosted Undertale Mafia, which was a very successful and enjoyable mafia game on this site. Definitely check out her game, because sign-ups got filled quick, and there's only a few spots left! I wouldn't want to miss out on this, so neither should you!

NEXandGBXandMafia is preparing roles, and seems to begin soon, so prepare for that.

Battlestar Galactica Mafia is at 21 strong, but there are still 9 players wanted for the game. Make sure to sign up for this because I know Anton and MK are going to do a great job with this game, but they definitely will do even better with the numbers they want. Another game not to miss!

A lot of the update included Stargazing dropping out, so some numbers for some games like Dota Mafia and Dragon Mafia 2 were adjusted accordingly.

Eeveelution Mafia has been updated with that FE was temporarily banned from the board for reasons explained in the Ban Log (located in the General Discussion board). I did this so that people that wish to join should probably wait until his ban has expired, since there's no rush via him unable to host it without access to the site.

Lapis Lazuli said:
Nyrie's Meme(ish) Mafia is a new mafia game by the wonderful Nysic, who co-hosted Undertale Mafia, which was a very successful and enjoyable mafia game on this site. Definitely check out his game, because sign-ups got filled quick, and there's only a few spots left! I wouldn't want to miss out on this, so neither should you!
nysic's a girl

but yeah, go sign up for all the mafias if you can! i'm sure they'll all be lots of fun if everyone's active and smiling.

Darn it, my apologies. I know that Nysic uses girl pronouns but for some reason wrote "his". Sorry Nysic for the mishap.