Upcoming Game Catalog

I'm not GBA and this kind of thing would be his purview, but, for what my two cents is worth, there's no strict "one game at a time" rule. I can't really say whether it will work out or not, but there are at least some folks who are interested in playing multiple games at one time, so I wouldn't write off the possibility of that working outright (even if I personally am not the type to join multiple games at once).

What I'm getting at is basically "don't write off the possibility of multiple games at once" and "don't treat it as a hard rule there can only be one game at once." Letting people know your plans and trying to coordinate is courteous and can be helpful, so that's not a bad thing, but there's not no alternatives.
I think overlapping games would be better than them being in strictly the same time frame
and it would be better if they're more vanilla games so no one is overwhelmed

if we were to do two games at once
Is there gonna be a mafia game this month?
I'd like to know that too, because I might sign up for it.
well well well, looks like the time has come

no not MCCW Mafia, but I have another idea

also WT can I get some help on this?
Well to be honest I don't think I did so well with the role the first time (Rouxls Kaard is kind of a tricky character to give role powers...) but I'd be happy to give advice and input on things if you needed it.

Honestly though... You might want to consider hosting a more normal game before trying something like this? The Roleplayer role by nature is entirely improvised (unless you were to open sign-ups way ahead of time, but you run the risk of people being busy or losing interest by the time the game actually happens), and making a game that's even somewhat balanced with completely improvised roles is going to be very difficult (that may be an understatement) especially for a first-time host. I question if even a seasoned host could tackle a game with this concept well.
By the way, I still plan to do WoP mafia as a 2 year anniversary thing-a-ma-jig, but if someone who is not going to play would be willing, I'd love to be able to run all the roles by someone before making it public since it'll be my first time running one of these.
Sign ups for my thing are still up
I'm probably not going to host this month after all. It's not entirely for certain, but the main point is that if anyone is waiting to host their own game because of mine then feel free to go right ahead. I do appreciate it though
You need to participate in a Mafia game first.
There's no rule that you have to play mafia before hosting. However, it can be helpful to get a better understanding of the mechanics and how the game works.
Wait, really?

I thought that you had in order to host one. Huh.
Er, I do still plan to do the WoP mafia. I was planning on starting sign-ups this or next week, but, uh, if you've already got something running that's fine... (I'm not sure what the protocol for a double-booked month is lol.)

I mean, I technically said I was doing something first but I don't want to be that guy who raises a stink.
Honestly, if I were you, I would put your game up anyway. There's really no "double-booking." People just mention when they're planning games as a courtesy, and nothing stops anyone from putting up a game at the same time as someone else.

Announcing timeframes and all that is just an informal courtesy. There's no formal system, and the only way to know if your game will work is to toss it out. Ultimately, if someone is ready to run their game and wants to get it going, it's just a matter of getting it up. If people are interested, they will come.
Waluigi Time on the 'Shroom's Staff Notes said:
Second, I am very excited to announce that the two of us will be hosting 'Shroom Mafia 4 in collaboration with Goombuigi (talk)! The game's been in development for a while now, and we're getting very close to having everything ready for you. We're currently planning for sign-ups to go up next month alongside the release of Issue 180, with the game itself starting in late March or early April. We put a lot of planning into it and I think it's going to be a fun time!
Glitz Yoshi (Red).png
Gritz Yoshi: "Hmm... I am trying to see where my game is going to fit with this and World of Plight Mafia. Keep in mind that the whole idea for my game being in March is because March contains Mar10 day, and my game is Super Mario Galaxy 2 based. As a matter of fact, as Super Mario Galaxy 2 is to Super Mario Galaxy, so is Lost in Space: Galactic Mafia 2 is to Lost in Space: Galactic Mafia. (Keeping in mind that I will be the only host for that game this time around as well as the other differences.) I think that is a fair comparison... possibly. Anyways. Where does my game fit with the two things? Keeping in mind Hooded Pitohui's last post. Well. Let's see the comparison of World of Plight and the next 'Shroom issue. The next 'Shroom issue is on the first half of the 8th day phase of World of Plight, assuming it lasts that long, making the earliest possible start date happen for 'Shroom Mafia be on the 10th night phase of that game, assuming it last that long. And now I just realized that I could theoretically start it right now and see if anyone wants to play and it will be in March. But it will take a while to actually put it up. But it has something special: the game, Clue, is something I want to include in it as a thing that people could do during night phases. But this Clue game is entirely separate to the mafia game. It was designed to be something during the night phases for people to do. However, if people are doing World of Plight, they could do that during the night. With that said: maybe it could be an idea for me to do either Clue instead LiSGM2 during this time and have LiSGM2 at a later date. So, what do you guys think? Do I host LiSGM2 during this time without Clue? Or do I host a Clue game during this time?"
For everyone interested, and just for clarification in case you may not be aware.

The 'Shroom is currently planning a mafia game called 'Shroom Mafia 4 for right next month. Sign ups will start on the release date of Issue 180 (March 19th), with the game starting around late March or early April. A thread dedicated for the game will also open on the day that sign-ups will be starting, and you will be able to find it on The 'Shroom sub-board.

Look forward to it!
Glitz Yoshi (Red).png
Glitz Yoshi: "Actually, after thinking about it, I think I should actually delay LiS:GM2 to sometime after 'Shroom Mafia 4. My line of thinking about Clue was to have it have a reason existing in the mafia game inside the mafia game. That's understandable right? If not, basically, it is part of the story. More specially, the beginning part of the story. And I want to keep it that way. And it will give it it's time. And besides, I could do other host stuff on it in the meantime. Anyways. Join World of Plight Mafia. You can do that game right now."
this isn't mafia but it technically fits here (right?) so
what do guys think about a marioboards d&d campaign? the idea is to make each session its own separate adventure so players can rotate in and out as they please
just an idea right now and a second dm would probably help greatly if i do follow through with it
in my never-ending quest to create a game that is more loose and silly than mafia and less intensive and time-consuming than killing game, ive inadvertantly come up with an idea for a brand new(ish) game which i'd like to give a run through in the near future, so there's a good chance you'll see sign ups go up for it within the next few weeks or so, depending on how the currently running game and the upcoming shroom mafia shake out. its designed to be simpler than other games and due to the format there is a non-insignificant chance that it will end MUCH quicker than other similar games depending on what players do, so i feel like its highly possible that i'll be able to squeeze it in as a side attraction in the next week or two, but we'll see how things go depending on what my schedule allows and how fast my planning comes along. at the latest, i'd still like to get it done before akg5 happens

this is a separate project from lightning mafia+ 2 (although like anything i make, the experience and lessons learned from this game will no doubt go on to influence planning for that game, which will likely end up being hosted in like, november, just as the last one was) and will have a theme completely separated from the lightning universe which i hope people will get a good laugh out of when they see what it is

so yes, please look forward to another type of murderous party game, coming soon to a Strategy board near you. it will probably be either a load of fun or an unmitigated disaster, so i hope you'll all join me for the ride when the time comes
Mafiatroid was a bust so instead I'm gonna try a more traditional game
Attendez avec impatience mafia française, qui arrive début juin (probablement) 🥖🥖🥖
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I haven't played a Mafia game in like 7 years, and while I was hosting my first Mafia game like 7 years ago, I was permabanned, but I am considering hosting a Mafia game sometime soon. I haven't decided on a theme for my Mafia yet, but I do know I want to try my hand again at hosting a Mafia game after my first attempt 7 years ago was cut short.

Would anyone be interested in joining a Mafia game hosted by me?
I haven't played a Mafia game in like 7 years, and while I was hosting my first Mafia game like 7 years ago, I was permabanned, but I am considering hosting a Mafia game sometime soon. I haven't decided on a theme for my Mafia yet, but I do know I want to try my hand again at hosting a Mafia game after my first attempt 7 years ago was cut short.

Would anyone be interested in joining a Mafia game hosted by me?
I am!

The Bowser's Minions Mafia is open for business!
I haven't played a Mafia game in like 7 years, and while I was hosting my first Mafia game like 7 years ago, I was permabanned, but I am considering hosting a Mafia game sometime soon. I haven't decided on a theme for my Mafia yet, but I do know I want to try my hand again at hosting a Mafia game after my first attempt 7 years ago was cut short.

Would anyone be interested in joining a Mafia game hosted by me?
I might be but it would depend on when it's hosted to avoid conflicts with other events I'll be participating in.