
Several candidates have dropped out and many questions were added (mostly about ISIS and Syrian refugees), so here's my new one:
Candidates you side with...
76% Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson Libertarian
on economic, social, environmental, healthcare, and education issues.
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76% Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush Republican
on economic, healthcare, immigration, environmental, education, and criminal issues.
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74% Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina Republican
on economic, environmental, healthcare, education, science, and electoral issues.
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73% Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio Republican
on economic, environmental, education, electoral, and criminal issues.
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67% Donald Trump
Donald Trump Republican
on environmental, education, science, electoral, and criminal issues.
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66% Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz Republican
on economic, environmental, healthcare, education, electoral, and criminal issues.
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64% Ben Carson
Ben Carson Republican
on economic, social, education, and electoral issues.
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61% John Kasich
John Kasich Republican
on economic and education issues.
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57% Chris Christie
Chris Christie Republican
on healthcare, education, and electoral issues.
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53% Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Democratic
on foreign policy issues.
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37% Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Democratic
on immigration issues.
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34% Jill Stein
Jill Stein Green
on immigration issues.
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Who knew Hillary would be the closest on Foreign Policy. I mean, she's had some bright moments but then she goes and starts talking shit about the very treaty she originally supported.

EDIT: lol, Fiorina and Christie just suspended their campaigns so take them out.
Bernie Sanders 89%
Hillary Clinton 83%
Jill Stein 83%
Ted Cruz 58%
Donald Trump 57%
Gary Johnson 51%
i got bernie at 97%, which was pretty much what i expected.

Bernie Sanders Democratic 97 :posh:
domestic policy, social, foreign policy, environmental, economic, healthcare, immigration, education, electoral, and science issues. pretty much everything.

Jill Stein Green 93
domestic policy, social, foreign policy, economic, environmental, healthcare, immigration, electoral, education, and science issues.

Hillary 93
domestic policy, social, foreign policy, environmental, economic, healthcare, immigration, electoral, education, and science issues.

gary johnson 44

jeb bush 30
(science and crime)

trump 21

ted cruz 20

not surprised bush was the top republican candidate for me, considering i already thought he was the best republican option, but interesting that this test confirmed that. also not surprised about bernie considering i thought my views matched him pretty closely as well. i dont know who gary johnson is, but he's libertarian, so javman signal go!

idk who Jill Stein is, never really paid attention to the green party. 2canman signal go!

ted cruz (and trump) scare the shit out of me, so not surprised he's the lowest.
yeah totally what we need is another 4-8 years of an unelected clinton pulling strings

i feel like bill's too old and benign to put his nose in things though, he's been acting more like hillary's cheerleader
I got all the Republican candidates again, with Rubio on top at 83% (Fiorina at 82%). The test also said I was a right-wing libertarian.