User Big Brother 6 - Week 3 - Color Competition

Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

Marty Mcfly said:
Lapis Lazuli said:
BMB: "Question 7: Which of the two would most likely out-argument the other? A for MK, and B for Nabber."

Smasher chooses B as Stargazing chooses A. Smg2daisy decides on B.

How flattering
star i'm disappointed in you
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

The next day, the atmosphere definitely was different with Smasher has the Head of Household. He felt very powerful. Smg2daisy on the other hand was very irritated.

[Smasher]: "This is going straight to my head but whatever."

[Smg2daisy]: "I was so close to that HoH, and now I am probably going to be on the block again. Great."

Later in the day, they all head out to the backyard, dressed in their respective colors, to find a massive heap of trash awaiting them.

[Rocker]: "Well, dumpster diving will be checked off my bucket list now."

[MK]: "Let's hope I don't get disqualified for this competition as well."

Smasher: "Alright, listen up! I'm going to explain how this competition works."

Painting the Rainbow ~

  • In this competition, among the trash are pieces of art. Your job is to go and look for what is the best example of a colorful, vibrant picture. Once they have collected their piece of art, judges from outside the game will come and blindly choose who they believe represents the "rainbow" the best. They will also decide, by ranking the paintings from first to last, what the other teams will place as well. If a team does not find a piece of art in the time that they are given, they will automatically be in last. Only one art project between each group.

(So basically your team will find one piece of art from the internet (so google images, yahoo images, etc. - as long as it can be formatted into [img*][/img*] (gifs are allowed). Once your team does that, one member sends me a PM of the image so that I can collect them and send it to the judge, who will determine would is the winner of this competition. They will rank it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, with one being the winner and 5 being the loser. And if you think this competition is very simple - which it is - it just means that I'm saving a harder one for later when the numbers are smaller.)

Smasher: "So when the buzzer goes off, we can begin."

Smasher returns to his spot, and then a few seconds later, the buzzer sounds.

Color Competition results will be next.
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

The five teams get digging, looking for the best pieces of trash they could find. It was a rough dig, but they knew what they needed to do. Smg2daisy and PoA immediately jumped on board, fishing out something they found very pleasing.

[Smg2daisy]: "I need to win this so that I don't get nominated."

Smg2daisy locked in the spot for the Raging Reds. Everyone else is continuing their trash dig, figuring out what they want to do. Nabber, Stargazing, and Rocker are all going back and forth between their pieces of art. It was a toss up of what they wanted to use, as Stargazing had tons of options.

[Stargazing]: "Rocker kept on wanting to do this lame one, but we needed to win, not make laughs."

[Rocker]: "The farting Power Ranger would have been perfect! But no, we went with what Nabber had."

[Nabber]: "I think mine was very appealing to say the least."

Nabber locks in the answer for the Pompous Purples, while MK dives for his dig. He races back, pushing people out of the way as he locks in the Blues' treasure.

[Smasher]: "I think the DQ from the last competition made him nervous."

[MK]: "Smasher didn't seem to mind since he was HoH, but we need to NOT get last. I had to make sure we had something!"

With only a minute left, the two remaining teams argue about what to use. MCD decides that he was tired of waiting for his team, and goes on his own. Toad just decides to just submit what they have for the Blacks. MCD races back to his podium and locks in the Greens, being last minute.

[MCD]: "I feel confident with this choice."

[Toad]: "Oh crap, what did we do?"

The players all move away from their boards, heading inside the house. The judge comes out and looks over the artworks, figuring out what he likes best. This is what he sees:






He looks around and then places them in a certain order. The Houseguests come back out to find out that the judge was Icemario.

[Icemario]: "I was the judge, since I know a thing or two about looking at the bigger picture. I know that the houseguests know me well, so I'm sure it's nice that get to see that I'm visiting. I based my decision mostly on the appeal, as what looked the most appealing, so even if it wasn't the most colorful, if it flowed, it got brownie points."

Icemario: "Alright houseguests, I shall now share with you the results. I will start from the bottom up. In last place, I have chosen this because it did not flow well at all. That would be Team 2, the Sable Shades. Toad, since you were the one that submitted it, you will decide which of the three will be nominated this week."

[Toad]: "Welp..."

[Shoey]: "..."

[Nysic]: "Crap..."

Icemario: "For fourth place, we have the painting that was very colorful, but still didn't flow that nicely with each other. That would be the Brawny Blues!"

[MK]: "'s not last. But now we're on slop, again!"

[Smasher]: "I'm HoH, so I can eat all my candy from my basket I want."

Icemario: "So, in third place, even though it wasn't a rainbow of colors, I do have to get it to the Pompous Purples, since it flowed so well."

[Nabber]: "See? I do make great decisions!"

[Stargazing]: "No bad. I still think the rose or the trees would have been better."

Icemario: "And finally, the top two. We will either have Smg2daisy or MCD win for the team. They will either get the immunity, or the Veto slip. Which one will it be?"

[Smg2daisy]: "I need that immunity again."

[MCD]: "I'm just glad we're not in last, but immunity would be awesome for sure."

Icemario: "This decision was made based on the magnitude of color, as well as what felt visually appealing. I must say congratulations to...

...the Ragin' Reds! Smg2daisy, you have won Immunity for the week!"

Smg2daisy gets up and starts screaming in joy.

[Smg2daisy]: "I'M STAYING FOR ANOTHER WEEK! I won the immunity again! I'm so excited!"

[MCD]: "At least I know I'm playing in the Veto this week. I sure hope Smasher doesn't do what Shoey did to Stargazing last week."

[Smasher]: "Now it's time for me to decide who I want to nominate. Smg2daisy is off the table, so we shall we so I put up."

Who will Smasher nominate for eviction this week, and which of the Sable Shades will be on the block next to his nominees? Find out after the break.

Nomination results will be up next!
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

Well he only got that part of the story done like 3 minutes ago, cut him a but of slack.
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

i know but i just saw the brawny blues picture and i seriously don't know who'll win. heck, they're both mario-related
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

Flippy said:
i know but i just saw the brawny blues picture and i seriously don't know who'll win. heck, they're both mario-related
Brawny Blues already got 4th in the competition. Just the Raging Reds and Gritty Greens are left.
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

C'mon, greens. You may not win but I still have faith in our image.
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

the sad truth:

i don't care for this anymore

Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

do that then.

I don't really like to disappoint you because you're a great host, but i think this concept is nothing for me xD
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

This judging has been brought to you by the Ice Foundation. :mario:
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

Peter Sam said:
>art contest
>chooses actual piece of art
>last place
this was a colour contest though, it may of been art but it wasn't really colourful
Re: User Big Brother 6 - Week 2 - Color Competition

Glitchy said:
so can someone fill me in on what's going on
people submitted art and we're waiting for veto picks