Love Live! School Idol Festival ID share and discussion

Nozomi Toujou said:
oh man the pool set comes out in august

good luck waiting
I have pool Rin on JP *Evil cackling*
I solo yoloed it when I was like a week in. *even more cackling*
I am not restarting JP as I actually have luck on that acc
also part of me is tempted on EN to not spend any gems until Cyber Nico (except for maybe tiering the bunny Nozomi event... but idk I might give that a miss since I like the un-idolised better) and then do a huge scout to depending if I will lose my last shred of hope I have for EN Love live since I can't even trade this acc since I don't even have one UR as my luck is that horrible

Apparently Klab EN has decided to use the songlist from Maki's medfest for Hanayo's. It wasn't officially announced, but someone on the SIF subreddit made a post about this. No one knows why Klab did this, but I think it has something to do with someone else on the subreddit sending an email about the broken GS boost to Klab. (Also friendly reminder to never use the GS boost, ESPECIALLY ON HARD)
i got to play kodoku no heaven ex for the first time, i've heard the beatmap in one of the parts sucked. i full comboed it


earlier, i stated something about medley festival saying that friend effects were randomized. but, they're actually randomized per account and idol (if i'm recalling correctly). i noticed this because lily's nico sr keeps giving me score up
Did I say I am t1ing Monkey Nozomi on JP?
Well I am, Hi I'm Lily and this is jackass as its going to be tough-going but I have 90 gems ready.
Nozomi Toujou said:
i got soldier game in the technical category

is beat in angel here too
I got it too and got first in my match. I don't think beat in angel is there, as while I am mostly playing hard, when I do technical it hasn't come up.
I've noticed some of the Top 10 are coming into the Score Match, and dropping out to help us get our scores up. I think that's really sweet.
Welp JP has officially killed me
because i got the 7,000 points i needed
for the event sr
in less than an hour
with only two hours left when i finished
and overall crappy teams (i have some good cards, but they're low level)
rip me next jp event ;-;
not really doing the next en event tho so yay small break from something
Someone dug into the EN game files and found the next two events:

Start planning, folks
E: Should have mention that these were event dates, my bad
Umi Sonoda said:
NEX, actually I can't really handle my JP acc so if you want my acc just shoot me a PM
I'll be fine on my own, but thanks for the offer.

Anyways, as of the current moment I'm at Rank 9, and if there's one thing I've found out, it's that 4+ (maybe even 3+?) star songs are nigh impossible if you're using a PC. You pretty much have to use the keyboard for them unless you have TAS level reflexes with your mouse, and you actually do have to use it if you ever encounter two notes at once. With the way keyboards are layed out, it gets incredibly frustrating to try and use one. I also wish less of the 4 first songs were Pures, because I only have Rs for Smile (Honoka, Nozomi) and Cool (Eli).
my pure team had nothing special until i plunged in and scouted a ur rin instead of saving up for stream
which means i have tricolour urs, 2 of them are rin

is this kotori's recent medfest because god fucking damnit there's too much RIN