Love Live! School Idol Festival ID share and discussion

Smg2daisy said:
That kind of Ranking, it's crazy, and there are people who get crazier than me.
So far spent 36 Gems, have 64 Gems left.
I am just waiting to unload the memes on the angel nico, tier 1 here I come... doot doot (and then if I fuck up t2 is still enough to shut me up)
I probably would of tiered fairy Nozomi but you know OF COURSE A FIRE DECIDES TO RUIN MY LIFE FOR A MONTH
Also, I did 3 ex songs to see what happened and I found out I can also fc Sentimental Steps

Also this is fake, but someone made a randomised beat in angel and I have seen true death
Nozomi Toujou said:
64 gems?? what??

please give tips ;~;


Let's see this (The latest stat about my Love Gems: 38 Love Gems used, and I got some, so with a mixed combination of situations it got till this number okay)

Star: Let's SoloYolo or whatever to try to get nice cards!
Me: Where's SoloYolo button
Star: Tickets
Me: Okay at least you can't use Gems unless you use all tickets


Stop SoloYolo for a week, and I think you profit at least 15 gems (Max bond, Album rewards, login bonus, stuff, stuff) Try it.


Remember to login for 5 days, 5 days isn't that hard to you to fucking open the app and you will get 4 Love Gems followed by a UR card. Unless you are the one who insist to sit in my friend list and not going to play forever which these kind of people is such a disgrace to not even receiving FREE Love Gems.
Umi Sonoda said:
Remember to login for 5 days, 5 days isn't that hard to you to fucking open the app and you will get 4 Love Gems followed by a UR card. Unless you are the one who insist to sit in my friend list and not going to play forever which these kind of people is such a disgrace to not even receiving FREE Love Gems.
b-but is maki
who even caers
Nico, the concept of this Login bonus is:

You login for 5 days straight.

Login at 1st day: 1 Love Gem
Login at 2nd day: 1 Love Gem
Login at 3rd day: 1 Love Gem
Login at 4th day: 1 Love Gem
Login at 5th day: UR Maki

I know you don't really need that card, but you need those 4 Love Gems. They are best tools to boost your Nico event score. You want to get high score for Nico right? Then take those 4 Love Gems. When KLab wills to give you free shit, just take it lol unless you want to pay KLab for Love Gems, kek? 1 Love Gem is like 1$ each, why don't take it when they give you free cash?

Just login for 4 days you won't regret
Nozomi Toujou said:
beat in angel ex is easier than soldier game ex
I used to find beat in angel easier when I used thumbs but now I use fingers I find soldier game easier

Also earlier I almost got an A score and a 300 combo on the desu expert song (the one with Hanayo and Kotori on the cover) but then I fucked up my combo at like 290 and the gam B score-zoned me again, at least i can SS that song on hard *shrugs*

And I am going for the UR Maki as my english smile team sucks badly and needs even if its promo UR the bond points mean it will still be useful to have on my team.
So, about a month ago I was bored and made llsif accounts on my ancient 4th gen ipod (since I had to use it temporarily for my mains when blah blah fire and had my tranfer codes but no insurance money to buy an ipad mini) I am going to be giving soon as I am factory resetting the ipod and giving it to my brother, but I want to give the accounts away since they have SR's on them so I don't want them to go to waste.

There is an English and a Japanese one (the english has an SR Hanayo and Kotori and the JP one has a SR Honoka, and will have at least one other SR or/and UR before I give it away since I am going to get another 10+1 out of it first). I am just waiting to grind to 50 gems on the JP one and then I am cleaning the gems. I am posting this on a lot of my social media to get the word out, as I am seeing if friends want to take either account of my hands before I submit them to cleanyourlovelive, so lemme know if you are interested in a free account with SR's which is still pretty farmable and not too messed around with (as in them I mostly screw around on EX songs and daily specials to grind for gems).