The Give/Receive Game


World's biggest Multimedia Celebrity Poker fan.
Poll Committee
This is pretty simple, it goes a little something like this:

[quote author= sample]
[quote author= MarioFan]I gave the next user a balloon and he gave me a...[/quote]
[quote author=LuigiFan]...a needle.

I gave the next user a lightbulb and they gave me a...[/quote]

and so on.

I'll start:

I gave the next user a sheet of paper and they gave me a...
A pencil

I gave the next user a cookie and they gave me...
a :)

i gave the next user a car and they gave me a...
...a bike (MARIO KART STYLE)

I gave the next user a Syringe Gun, and they gave me...
..a tick-ing nuke.

I gave the next user a ????-??? ????.
and they antididn't ungive me...
A physical manifestation of broken logic.

I give the next user a Pikmin and they gave me...