Mario Quiz Tournament- SIGNUPS OPEN!


Katyusha best Girls Und Panzer Girl
I have set up a Mario Quiz tournament, on funtriva,
Also, users who want to sign up to the quiz, register here and check in, as i am using challonge to keep the scores and results, etc, and whoever wants to help me keep the scores and results, PM me, also the password for the tournament is nintendo, is on funtriva as well. The quiz tournament starts on the 23rd of October,
And how exactly does this work?

I signed in on the challonge thing but I don't understand the other website yet.
The other website which is funtriva, is where you do the quiz, Freakworld, I am using challonge, as a tracker of the scores etc
I will check your scores and if you do well and beat the other user's scores you go throgh to the next round. the cap of how many people can join is 20.
Here, stargazing
You got 0 wow, and don't worry, at the end of the week, who ever has the most points will advance!
You did the quiz?
Thanks, also everyone who is doing the quiz, make sure you play everyday! we will get the final scores at the end of the week.
I wonder who is going to advance and win lol
Their is an overall score list, Toad Eightyfive