Soda Pop

As is pineapple.

Stooben Rooben said:
Sting Chameleon said:
Stooben Rooben said:
Sting Chameleon said:
Lario said:
Root Beer FTW.
But only A&W. All other brands fail in comparison.
The creators of IBC would like a word with you.
Never had it. :-\
what is this i don't even

No, seriously; by some. There's a reason it costs almost 5 dollars for six bottles. :9
If I can find some... :/
Root Beer
At this time of year, they have this Cranberry Sierra Mist. Did anyone else try it? It's pretty good.
Never did, but I have had Cherry Coke. It's pretty good if you mix it in with some regular Sprite.