Issue 105

So far, we have posted Palette Swap, Pipe Plaza, Critic Corner, and Strategy Wing; the images for those teams are being posted right now. Next, I will post up most of the Special Sections.
I have two Christmas sections meant to be added, I'll have them featured as soon as i can get back on the shroom. And I feel offended so I am currently the Grinch
please review my new section

I'd like to hear your feedback a lot
At this point, all of the following are uploaded: Spotlight, Director Election, Palette Swap, Pipe Plaza, Critic Corner, Strategy Wing, most special sections.

We are currently working on the rest of the sections (Opening/Closing Statements, End-of-the-Year Awards, Fake News, Fun Stuff, 12 Days of 'Shroom Christmas, and Happy Holidays); that said, I am going to upload each one as they are completed. These might take a bit longer.
at least it didn't come to a grinding halt
This issue is really neat! I love everyone's special sections, and the regular sections are as great as always. Keep it up!
Nozomi Toujou said:
This issue is really neat! I love everyone's special sections, and the regular sections are as great as always. Keep it up!
Mine isn't in there, but whenever I get the chance to add it, I'm sure it'll be enjoyed.

And the election cant be edited. Why?
I wrote part of my section on a lazy afternoon and I wrote part of it in a sleep-deprived state at 4 in the morning. It's really easy to tell where one ends and the other begins, and I'm sorry about that.
The Imprisoned said:
But he's a Shroomwriter, I'm one, your one, just the ones that aren't can't though
lol, no you're not. You got fired before the usergroup even existed - you're freakin' banned from writing for the 'Shroom for the next few months.

Like seriously, why are you even still posting in here, saying delusional things like how you're gonna write for all the subteams next year, and get all these awards, and have Xmas stuff that's gonna be what, retroactively added to this issue? You really need to wake up from fantasy land and move on with your life before they stop being nice and actually come and tell you to clear out themselves.
Beast Boy said:
[22:22] Glowsquid why does gbatoad never come on irc so that i can nitpick his ashley article to death

nitpick away~
fake news continues to slay (sleigh?) as it has been doing the whole year. i still can't pick a favourite section because they're all hilarious

[quote author=pipe plaza]only one Innocent died and one Mafia member didn't even realise he was Mafia.[/quote]
also fucking lol i can't believe this happened

the special sections that have been posted already are all fantastic and i can't wait for the last of them to go up soon

thanks to edo, smb, the rest of the staff members and all of our writers for all of your hard work towards making the 'shroom better than it's ever been. here's hoping we can keep it up in 2016
Thank you, GBAToad! :)

And an update on the issue: most of it is up. There are only two more sections needing to be added to Fake News, one special section that required a delay, and then the Opening/Closing Statements will be posted to finish it off.

Dippy will be posting the EotY Awards shortly, so those will be available sooner than the other ones.
I don't speak for anyone else on The 'Shroom. But holy fuck, the constant nagging and complaining that goes on in these threads now is absurd. I'll admit we're not managing our time as best as we could and issues are going up later. Big deal, this is volunteer-based and we've grown at an insane rate this year, so we're struggling to adjust to the added workload.

Chill the goddamn fuck out, and be patient. We apologise for the delays and fractal nature of the release, but we're doing the best we can, often with minimal sleep and recreation. Next term will hopefully be more organised, but for now, please. Stop. Whinging.
On the bright side, the End-of-the-Year Awards are now officially up! There may or may not be a few I've missed, I don't know, that's up to the rest of the staff to let me know. But yes, all the awards are there now.

Also, me, SMB, and Packy's Cooking Guide was added to Fake News. It was basically done by release, it just needed images. You'll find it was very worth it.

All that's left aside from the Opening and Closing Statements is 12 Days of 'Shroom Christmas. Anyone who knows anything about music knows that producing music is time-consuming and difficult, and Stooben has been working on very little sleep to finalise the production of our song, so bare with us on that. It's coming.

Thank you all for being patient. Just... god, please chill a little bit.
Well done to everyone who has won Awards! And a very well done to Dippy, your section deserves it