what's the longest you've ever gone without [blank]?

Gee probably the times where I'm sleeping. I always have a twin.

Longest without sleep?
About 22 hours on my Duke of Edinburgh expedition in April. Woke up at 6:00 AM to prepare for the day, started walking at 3:00 PM, arrived at camp at 7:45ish PM... and got to sleep at 4:00 AM.

Longest time without posting here?
Not counting the times before I joined here?

Probably one week.

Longest you've been without an electronic device?
Probably around a year

Longest time without any connection to the outside world?
8-ish months

what is longest amount of time you've gone without using a smiley
four months, when I was still a new user.

Longest time without wearing pyjamas?
cake is my guilty pleasure, i'd say probably 3 months

longest without sitting down?(like longest youve been standing)
post a question, but i'll answer the above question: probably an hour without counting sleep

longest without going to the bathroom?
If you don't count sleep, about 5 hours.

Longest without getting a PM on here.