It's Groundhog Day!

Can we not have an early spring here?
ah ground type hog day, make sure to use your local earthquake and earth power today, kids!
Should we use Excadrill since that resembles the groundhog more or will any Ground type do?

Because I'd rather use Krookodile
Kurt Cobain said:
Should we use Excadrill since that resembles the groundhog more or will any Ground type do?

Because I'd rather use Krookodile

that would be the closest resemblance
Watch out for earthquakes tomorrow. The motherfucking groundhogs fuck us up with them looking for their shadows this time of the year.
the movie's gr8 though

pretty much the only reason I even remember this holiday
Nyrie said:
why does this holiday exist again
To see the groundhogs try to find their shadow. No one gives a fuck about the holiday, except for the Pennsylvanians that made it up.
hey at least we get a resetti figure if you play animal crossing
Ground hog day is a meaningful holiday for some! Some holidays have weird origins, but I think people should not be critical as everyone has the right to have his own tradition.

My connection with these rodents is strong. I worked on an experimental videogame for mobile platforms called "Marmots in Space" before we decided to can it, due to financial reasons, time constraints, and the fact that in the end, the project's release depended heavily on other people who were not as invested with the project.

Groundhogs are a type of Marmot and sometimes the name is just interchangeable. I have some attachment to this rodent, as a family lived right in my backyard. Moreover, I spent so many hours on this project, that I lost count.

Although I do not celebrate this day in a special way, I understand if some do.

To each his own..."Chacun à son goût!"

For people who are curious, here is the trailer of what the game was like in 2010 :

Happy Ground Hog day!