Nysic Power Star Nov 24, 2016 #52 i take it back i just read the pokedex entries for oricorio and i love dancing birb so much <33
Princess Céline It's teatime! Nov 24, 2016 #53 After seeing Sun and Moon, it is still a tie between Dragalge and Kingdra.
GBA do you ever yearn for the soft touch of a pancake Forum Moderator 'Shroom Consultant Pronouns He/him Nov 25, 2016 Thread starter #54 i would like to add that now that I own a Buzzwole can I just list them as Aggron Golisopod Buzzwole because seriously i cannot handle this much buff it flexes every time it does something how can i not love it
i would like to add that now that I own a Buzzwole can I just list them as Aggron Golisopod Buzzwole because seriously i cannot handle this much buff it flexes every time it does something how can i not love it
DragonFreak Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly! Dec 15, 2016 #56 Flygon is still my favorite but Salazzle is probably my second favorite now.
Princess Céline It's teatime! Dec 15, 2016 #57 Ho-Oh is still my favorite legendary, though Groudon and Yveltal aren't that far behind.
TPG from deltarune 'Shroom Consultant Poll Consultant Pronouns He/Him/His Jan 5, 2017 #59 Toss between Snorlax, Empoleon or Turtonator.
Afterstormer Cheep Cheep Jan 5, 2017 #60 Sun and Moon haven't even nudged Gallade from the #1 position. Mimikyu tried so hard as well. But it is one of my favourite ghost types now.
Sun and Moon haven't even nudged Gallade from the #1 position. Mimikyu tried so hard as well. But it is one of my favourite ghost types now.
LN1 L - N - 1 Jan 5, 2017 #61 I'm not very decided on this, but the one time a classmate asked me I just answered Scizor.
Roserade Damsel in Distress Forum Moderator Core 'Shroom Staff Awards Committee Poll Consultant Pronouns They MarioWiki Roserade Feb 14, 2017 #63 Any of the three in the Cyndaquil line.