Kirby: Planet Robobot

Is there ANY reason for this game to come out in Japan now, while the rest of the world has to wait 2 months to get it? >_____________>
So I decided to spoil myself by listening to the game's soundtrack and

you don't understand

i've been waiting for a new arrangement of this song for like, ever
I don't know what the original song is. I'm a terrible person.

Also, on a similar note, unless my ears deceived me, there's also a new arrangement of Sand Canyon 3 from Kdl3 in the first world. I would look it up, but I will likely be spoiled and that will upset me, especially with the game about a month and a week away.

edit: The original song is dark castle from kdl2 for those who don't know as well. I should finish that game. Literally the only main line game I haven't finished.
Mcmadness said:
Squeak Squad to me felt like a very copy and paste kirby game with only a token few notable additions. With games like canvas curse, mass attack or superstar ultra it just didn't hold up.
Your problem for Squeak Squad is it feels like a mainstream Kirby game? Super Star Ultra is a REMAKE of a Kirby game! Mass Attack is PIKMIN: KIRBY EDITION!
My problem with squeak squad was that it was mediocre.
SuperDoom said:
Mcmadness said:
Squeak Squad to me felt like a very copy and paste kirby game with only a token few notable additions. With games like canvas curse, mass attack or superstar ultra it just didn't hold up.
Your problem for Squeak Squad is it feels like a mainstream Kirby game? Super Star Ultra is a REMAKE of a Kirby game! Mass Attack is PIKMIN: KIRBY EDITION!
I don't think you got his point.
Wow, I totally was not expecting this song to be in the game about robots and mechanization:

The more Kirby 64 music, the better tbh. Also needed an excuse to bump this because the game comes out in about 12 days in America.
I wish.
Mari Ohara said:
wait what
i thought this game was already out everywhere

Japan got it like a month before everyone else

Which sucks hard
In this day and age, they shouldn't exist any more. They're gigantic annoyances.
Not to mention that you can't play this game if you don't have a Japanese 3DS, which is even worse.

Oh wait, 2 (or 1 depending on the country) day(s) remaning...

(Seriously, why the heck does zoning still exists on Nintendo consoles ?)
Beat this game's main story a few hours ago. The final boss was absolutely fantastic and I loved all the nods and references, both subtle and obvious, to past Kirby games. There's one game in particular that gets heavily referenced, but I'm not going to spoil it. Those who played it will know immediately when they reach that part of this game. They also really dug deep into the games when looking for remixed music for the EX stages, even including songs from Kirby Air Ride (music from all three modes of the game to boot), Kirby Canvas Curse, and even Kirby Star Stacker. The new versions of older songs were also great, like the dark castle one from kdl2 and factory investigation/inspection.

I'd recommend this game, but that's unsurprising coming from me.
Kirby Air Ride has fairly mediocre reception, with a 60 Metacritic average.
In that case, I can't think of a single one, maybe a bizarre spin-off like Tilt n' Tumble or Kirby's Avalanche or whatever.
I just started playing and I love this lol

with the fire mech you literally use a fucking flamethrower to burn your enemies alive and kirby doesn't give a shit and it's just amazing lmao
So how do you think this game is compared to other Kirby games? Personally, it's my favorite game in the series besides Return to Dreamland.