What types of kids in school annoy you the most?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
For me, it's anyone who thinks I'm flirting with them when I'm not.
seeing as my schools social ranking is based on
how "fresh" your memes are
All the popular ones annoy me.
The shitty/sexist/homophobic snotty bratboys who use 'gay' as an insult and are just generally obnoxious, the popular sporty girls who drove me to self harm from bullying when I was 13 and also the 'oh i am not like other people' kind on the contrary who shit on people/have a superiority complex above people who enjoy doing popular/'normal teenage things'.
Basically a lot of people bugged me
Unreasonably selfish people make my skin crawl, especially if it's a detriment to how effectively another person can help people.
Stupid people who won't shut up in class and then ask the same, dumb questions over and over again. And anyone who tries too hard to be funny in class.
Anyone who demands attention, jumps on bandwagons or or just won't shut up.
Those people who refuse to quit bugging you after you've yelled at them for the 20th time.
Any obnoxious, general douchenozzle gets a spot on my contempt list.

I also hate any people who make fun of you for your preferences, especially if the said preferences don't fit on the so-called "social norm" of what your age-group is "supposed to enjoy". At high school, this basically meant if you played any game lower than a T-rating, then you're "kiddy" and "immature". This in turn, made me generally despise other consoles and systems not named Nintendo, and after not being with them anymore and growing out of it, I realize that other consoles and systems are also brilliant in their own way. Just need to get douchenozzles ramming their beliefs out of the way to truly realize that.

Most people aren't like this in high school, thank goodness. They just mind their own business and usually let us mind ours. But my god, encounters with a few idiots spoiled the whole goddang milk carton.
DragonFreak said:
Literally everyone.
Reyson said:
The *bleep*ty/sexist/homophobic snotty bratboys who use 'gay' as an insult and are just generally obnoxious, the popular sporty girls who drove me to self harm from bullying when I was 13 and also the 'oh i am not like other people' kind on the contrary who *bleep* on people/have a superiority complex above people who enjoy doing popular/'normal teenage things'.
Basically a lot of people bugged me

Guys who just randomly say "hi" to you to make you feel really awkward. They don't even try to initiate a conversation with you, they just make a fake smile and say "hi" to you. I just ignore them, but ugh, hate those guys. I also hate it when guys sag their pants until you can see their underwear, pretty gross. Finally, I dislike people who swear every other word or use "fucking" as an adjective for every. single. word. It makes them sound like an asshole, to be honest. Swear words are powerful; if you abuse them, you're not doing them a favor either.
Striker Mario said:
Guys who just randomly say "hi" to you to make you feel really awkward. They don't even try to initiate a conversation with you, they just make a fake smile and say "hi" to you. I just ignore them, but ugh, hate those guys. I also hate it when guys sag their pants until you can see their underwear, pretty gross. Finally, I dislike people who swear every other word or use "fucking" as an adjective for every. single. word. It makes them sound like an asshole, to be honest. Swear words are powerful; if you abuse them, you're not doing them a favor either.
I hope we don't go to the same school.
Striker Mario said:
Guys who just randomly say "hi" to you to make you feel really awkward.

There's this kid at my school who used to just annoy the fuck out of me and now he just does that and it really gets on my nerves. I just ignore him, but still...
I say "hi" to everyone, but it's never with the intention to make them feel awkward :P if they don't reply after a couple of times I'll just desist.
Hobbes said:
I say "hi" to everyone, but it's never with the intention to make them feel awkward :P if they don't reply after a couple of times I'll just desist.

Though the thing with the kid I'm talking about I KNOW he's doing it to be an ass because we are not on good terms with each other and he says it in the most annoying way possible. Basically he knows I hate him so he just does that to get on my nerves.
The ones who pretty much just get a kick out of being an ass to others. Which is most everyone in my school, to be honest.
Glitchy said:
Hobbes said:
I say "hi" to everyone, but it's never with the intention to make them feel awkward :P if they don't reply after a couple of times I'll just desist.

Though the thing with the kid I'm talking about I KNOW he's doing it to be an ass because we are not on good terms with each other and he says it in the most annoying way possible. Basically he knows I hate him so he just does that to get on my nerves.
just report him, when that happens they will likely stop straight away or get punished
Hobbes said:
I say "hi" to everyone, but it's never with the intention to make them feel awkward :P if they don't reply after a couple of times I'll just desist.
No, it's not really the same. From what I've seen "couple of times" makes it sound like you're at least trying to say hi. The guys at school are just... not genuine so they just make you feel awkward.
Honestly, some of the kids that really annoy me are the ones who act nice to me one day and then act like a total jerk to me the next.
The kids who try to 'act' cool by insulting the 'Less-Popular kids'. They also like starting the next war.

There are like five of these kids in me class, so there are five ways to experience the pain.