Who are you voting for (or would vote for if you could)?

Best candidate?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 20 48.8%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Gary Johnson

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • None of them

    Votes: 6 14.6%

  • Total voters

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
If someone states their opinion on this thread, please don't make an excessively rude remark.
Bernie Sanders, of course. I pretty much dislike the rest.
Cruz is the only candidate I like (except for maaaaaybe Kasich, but he doesn't have a chance of winning).
since sanders seems to be losing to clinton, and it could eventually end with trump vs clinton, i'd vote clinton, but that's only because i hate trump, and clinton would be the lesser of two evils

if i could though, i would definitely vote sanders
Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar said:
since sanders seems to be losing to clinton, and it could eventually end with trump vs clinton, i'd vote clinton, but that's only because i hate trump, and clinton would be the lesser of two evils

if i could though, i would definitely vote sanders
this as someone I recently saw put it at least clinton as president would be pretty predictable in terms of what shed do compared to trump
Probably Sanders if he wins the nomination, which isn't looking too likely unfortunately

Hillary is a criminal and every Republican nominee is a literal joke so I'm probably just going to throw it away on a third party

It's a pretty shitty election, especially as the first one I can vote for :-\
Bernie Sanders, he's the only one who's unabashedly on the left. I've had enough of centrist/center-right BS from Obama (yes, centrism can be a stupid route to take, such as in the global warming "debate" when there's really no question that global warming is occurring, yet if you're a stupid centrist, you have to concede to the deniers because "balance"), and Hillary Clinton, I fear, would just be more of that. She has chummy ties to Wall Street too, and the last people I'd trust in the Great Recession are people from Wall Street. I wouldn't vote for her if the Republican Party isn't godawful filled-to-the-brim of science deniers, fringe-right, and just plain idiocy.
OT but global warming deniers have got to be the worst

I heard something that was basically along the lines of "if global warming is real why is it snowing in Texas, checkmate atheists" but then again it's the same source that said something along the lines of 'Donald Trump is a godsend'
i'd vote for sanders if i got the chance

it's looking like hillary will get the nomination though and she's still better than whoever gets the republican nomination so i'll vote for her

Time Turner said:
As someone's who Canadian and casually American if the conversation demands for it, could someone explain who the candidates are?
Bernie Sanders - basically a socialist, idealist who wants a bunch of radical changes like taxing wall street to pay for college tuition for everyone
Hillary Clinton - tries really hard to appeal to women, kids, leftist but ends up getting involved in a shitton of contrversies that makes her really hard to trust

Trump - trump
Ted Cruz - zodiac killer? idk i know he's really religious
Kasich - for some reason i never hear about him, i think he's the most sane of the republicans
Nabber said:
Hillary Clinton - tries really hard to appeal to women, kids, leftist but ends up getting involved in a *bleep*ton of contrversies that makes her really hard to trust
I don't think she's honestly leftist. Maybe she has left values secretly, but so far, she's really more of a center-right candidate just as how Obama is pretty much center-right.

Billy The Kitten said:
OT but global warming deniers have got to be the worst

I heard something that was basically along the lines of "if global warming is real why is it snowing in Texas, checkmate atheists" but then again it's the same source that said something along the lines of 'Donald Trump is a godsend'
Yeah, and those same arguments are used pretty much by the politicians who deny global warming, even though global warming is a very dead-serious reality. It's depressing that this subject is politicized, and due to this, we have pretty much an entire major political party endorsing a very dangerous and false viewpoint.

Republicans aren't shy of anti-vaccine ideals either, not at all, but we also have Democrats guilty of this too. Nevertheless, it's very easy to make an anti-vaccine argument in the guise of "parental freedom" and "vaccine mandates are bad because government".

GMOs are pretty much the same thing, with both Democrats and Republicans endorsing views that go against the scientific consensus. Even Bernie Sanders had to support GMO labeling, even though I think it's pretty useless, especially given that GMOs are harmless and very controlled.
i'm voting for ashley in the smash ballot

Crocodile Dippy said:
Sanders, but I am Australian
^this pretty much
I'm (underage) voting for Sanders

Sanders- The only sensible candidate that fulfills my liberal passion.

Clinton- Was my original choice before Sanders. Now I realize she a corrupt ***** and probably will be impeached within a year in office.

That one third guy Martin- I can't remember him.

Donald Trump- Psychopathic egotistical corporate power trip. I strongly believe that after elected president, the fascist AntiChrist will rip off the Trump costume and reveal that it was a trick.

Ted Cruz- Almost a psycho, if not, equally psycho compared to Trump. I can never tell his facial expressions, which makes me feel that he's a wildcard.

Kasach- Only "sane" republican, however, he's a republican.

Sarah Palin- As I once said
"Running Palin as VP with Trump is like mixing chlorine and bleach: Its ******* stupid, noxious, and won't ever end well"
I already have voted for Kasich in the SC primaries.

Unfortunately, Trump won the state. But hey, my county went for Rubio, so at least it's not our fault.

Sanders is a close second. I just feel like his proposed policies are too strong and too fast, but he seems like a genuine guy trying to do the right thing. I feel like we should be trying to compromise and bring everyone together, though, so I went with Kasich.

Cruz is a far-right preacher and I don't really like him. But, he's not Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, so I guess that's something.
PrinceLarryKoopa88 said:
That one third guy Martin- I can't remember him.
Martin O'Malley. He already dropped out, after Iowa (maybe New Hampshire?).