Fun facts

schmutz said:
Salt is only conductive in water.
And since the human body is more than 80% water, we are conductive.

Fun Fact) Spontaneous human combustion appears in The Bible, Ezekial 28:18.
Fun Fact: Ezekiel is spelled Ezekiel, not Ezekial
Herr Shyguy said:
I want to play that in band.

You can join my buccin quartet once I can find 4 of these.

SO AWKWARD :yoshi:
Stooben said:
Perry Mason said:
(whoever posted it)
Ah. I just remember reading it, not looking at who it was, getting ready to report it but going to the restroom and deciding it would be taken care of by the time I got back. :P

As for fun facts, the average person blinks 10-15 times per minute (I think.)
The Holy Bible is the most shoplifted book of all time.
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg is a lake in Massachusetts. It is also known as Lake Webster.
President Iwata said:
The Holy Bible is the most shoplifted book of all time.
It is also the number 1 seller in the world of all time, but was removed from the list of top 10 books of the year to let other books have that title.
Fun fact: Canada has more Donut SHops per capita than anywhere else on earth
Fun Fact) Sperm, starting at the entrance and getting to the egg cell is the equivalent to a midget starting from southern California and swimming all the way to the coast of Japan.

Fun Fact) Sperm travels somewhere between 21-26 mph
Shooting fish in a barrel is so easy because you don't even have to hit the fish. The shockwave will kill the fish if you miss it.
Re: The Sperm thread

Yoshiwaker said:
Shooting fish in a barrel is so easy because you don't even have to hit the fish. The shockwave will kill the fish if you miss it.
Thank you for changing the subject

Fun fact: You will see Albert Einstein if you look at this close up, but if you move back a few feet you will see Marilyn Monroe.

Broque Monsieur said:
Thank you for changing the subject
Thanks for changing to subject too.


Double post

Fun Fact) Contrary to popular belief, crabs prefer to walk forward or backwards then side to side