Fun facts

Fun Fact) Having made at least $400 million in theater receipts, which when adjusted in 2010 prices equates to approximately $2,984 million, Gone With the Wind (1939) remains the highest-grossing film ever made.
Fun Fact) Gabe Newell, co-founder and managing director of Valve Corporation, has stated his favourite video games are Doom, Super Mario 64 and Star Trek.
Fun Fact) Shakspeare's English is infact NOT Old English, it is infact new english (what we speak), Old English or middle English sounds nothing like it is today.
Fun Fact the shortest wwe title reign is 45 seconds held by Andre the Giant
Fun Fact the longest wwe hardcore title reign was 97 days held by the Big Boss Man
Fun Fact) Sonic the hedgehog is not only a fast hedgehog in a video game. Sonic Hedgehog is also a name of a gene on chromosome 7 of a human genome.
Fun fact Bruno Sammartino holds the record for longest wwe title regin holding it for 2803 days
Fun facts:
~Allegheny County has over 1700 bridges. 720 of them are within Pittsburgh's city limits.
~Bingo was invented in Pittsburgh.
~The US's first commercial radio station, KDKA, belongs to Pittsburgh.
~Forbes Field was the US's first baseball stadium.
~The banana split was invented in Latrobe.
Fun Fact) Contrary to popular belief, reptiles are not cold blooded, their body adjust to the surrounding temperature is all it is.
Fun fact: Sonic was created after Sega realized they needed to find a good mascot to match Mario. Eggman was also a cross between an egg and Theodore Roosevelt, two other mascots proposed.
Wait a minute. Sega almost made a game where you play as Teddy Roosevelt? And instead we got some blue hedgehog?

God dammit!
Fun Fact:Mario would have not been made if nintendo did not lose rights to the Popeye World.
Fun facts:
~The Nanny was one of the most popular TV shows ever when it aired in Russia.
~Chuck Palahniuk described Fight Club as sort of a modern-day Great Gatsby.
Fun fact: My TV and computer broke within the same week. I just got a new TV today, but we are going to see if the computer can be repaired.

Luckily, I still have a netbook computer.
Guys would you stop posting personal facts, there's a thread for that.

Fun Fact) President McKinley was shot on September 6, 1901 and died eight days later.

Fun Fact) McKinley was known as the fastest political hand shaker, but this caused him to be shot as he wasn't paying attention to the assassin who was right in front of him.

Fun Fact) McKinley's secret service were on the lookout, looking at the line, for any possible people who may be threats. They only payed attention to the only black man in the line who later tackled the assassin to the ground and found out to be a Chief Sheriff of the local county.

Fun Fact) There was a family before the assassin in line, who shook hands with McKinley, in that family there was a little girl. McKinley squatted down and gave her what he called his lucky carnation flower, just before he was shot.

Fun Fact) The surgeons had a bit of a problem getting the bullet out of McKinley, one, he was rather obese, and two, the gel like material they used was so flammable that they have to turn off the lights, open a window a bit, and use a tea tray to reflect the light for the surgeons to see.