Fun facts

Guiliant said:
Prostitution is technically not legal in Vegas; only in counties that have a low enough population within Nevada is it legal.
brb going to nevada
Fun Fact) Not matter what, the human female breast are always two different sizes. One is actually bigger than the other.
A whole load of facts about left handed people! And I shall comment on each one.

*Make especially good baseball players, tennis players, swimmers, boxers and fencers (almost 40% of the top tennis players are lefties) "More baseball, I usually get doubles and triples"
*Celebrate left handed day once a year – August 13th "My sister's B-day.
*Draw figures facing to the right " according to this, yes!"
*Recover from strokes faster "I am going to try and have one! Not really"
*More likely to pursue creative careers "I am very creative"
*Of the seven most recent U.S Presidents, 4 have been left handed "... I don't care"
*Left handed college graduates go on to become 26% richer than right handed graduates "Sweet!"
*On a QWERTY keyboard there are 1447 English words typed solely with the left hand, whilst only 187 are typed with the right hand. "I don't care"
*Research suggests that left-handers are slightly more prone to allergies and asthma than right-handers are. "I always sneeze when I have minty things"

That is it
Fun Fact) House arrest was first made in a spider-man comic where the Kingpin tracked spider-man with a tracking device on his wrist. This gave the idea to the judge who was reading that issue.
Lord Byron was rumored to have impregnated his half-sister.
Fun Fact) Ever since it was destroyed in Pearl Harbor, the S.S. Arizona still leaks fuel into the ocean.
LN1 said:
Shoey felt like sending me a fun fact PM for any reason. Also, people may actually come with some fun facts better than this so:

("Fun" Fact:)The speaker of the house doesn't have to be a member of congress
Got that same message.
Ghost Nappa said:
LN1 said:
Shoey felt like sending me a fun fact PM for any reason. Also, people may actually come with some fun facts better than this so:

("Fun" Fact:)The speaker of the house doesn't have to be a member of congress
Got that same message.

I was tempted to respond, but I didn't.
MCS said:
Why does Shoey spam peoples inboxes anyway?

Good thing I put him on my ignore list 8)
But have you blocked my alternate accounts