Fun facts

Fun fact: On average, people fear spiders more than death.
Fun fact: The number 420 is associated with marijuana because of a group of Bay Area teenagers in the 1980s who would meet and get high at 4:20 pm.
Fun fact: The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
And now they only get feminine ones. I wonder why they hate us so much?
A rather not-fun fact) For every ton of fish that is caught in all the ocean three tons of garbage is put into the ocean.
Fun Fact: Not all women wear lipstick, mvpguy22.
Fun fact: A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Fun Fact) People with initials GOD or ACE are more likely to live longer then ones who spell APE, PIG, or RAT
Suzaku Kururugi said:
Fun Fact) People with initials GOD or ACE are more likely to live longer then ones who spell APE, PIG, or RAT
Awesome. 8)
Fun Fact) In the movie Forrest Gump, all the still photos show Forrest with his eyes closed
SpinyMaster347 said:
Fun Fact) The Person who discovered radition died of radiation
For second I thought you were trolling, because I thought you said "Fun Fact) A Person who discovered radition died of radiation"

Fun Fact) There are an average of 18,000,000 items for sale at any time on EBay
SpinyMaster347 said:
Fun Fact) There are Square watermelons in Japan.
That one is already said

Fun Fact) The New York Times reports that in February 2004, 62% of all e-mail was spam
SpinyMaster347 said:
Fun Fact) When licking a stamp, you get 1/10 of a calorie.
That one is also already said

Fun Fact) There is a bar in London that sells vaporized vodka, which is inhaled instead of sipped