Your favorite VG music.

Dire Dire Docks
Super Mario 64
Waluigi Pinball (Brawl)
King Dedede's Theme (Brawl)
Gnat Attack Level 1 (Mario Paint)
Lonely Storm 2 (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
Rally X (Pac 'n Jump)
That's all I can name right now.
I suggest whether or not you like Sports games to not judge this by what it's from. (Even though I did actually really like NHL 99, One of my favorite N64 games to play) And just listen to this song on it's own. Because it's just awesome.

^ I like it

Now listen to this one. It's so beautiful... Especially between 0:38 and 1:04. Has to be one of the most amazing things I've heard.

All of the music in this game is phenomenal, but here's my top three:

Pretty much every song from VVVVVV.