Your favorite VG music.

i still argue that regardless of what you think of the game itself, halo has some of the best composed music of current generation video games.
I'm posting this one because the bards in Skyrim are terrible (specifically, underwhelming) by comparison.

Let me begin... Have a TON. Putting them in spoilers so it won't crash the network of others. :p
*goes on wild search for these links*

5 songs

8 songs
Mario Party 1

Mario Party 3

13 songs (too many to put them together with 1 & 3 LOL)
(ok so this one isn't exactly found in the game... still find it awesome)
(not exactly found in the game, but it's still awesome :p)
(not exactly in the game again, but still. :p)

11 songs (too many to put them with 1, 3 & 6 lol)

7 songs
Mother 1
(ok I know this one is a remix and it's only one song, but I'm in love with this XD)

Mother 2/Earthbound (a few sad songs in here)

10 songs
(yes, I have way too many Mother 3 songs that I love that I didn't want them to be too clustered in the Mother/Earthbound section :p)

My god that took so much formatting and time... But since it's getting late here, that's all the songs I can post. FOR NOW. Have a LOT more. XD