Your favorite VG music.

Spore Hero Arena: Epic Arena
Extremely underrated song. I think it's the common music or the practice arena music, don't remember.

It's funny because the DS game itself isn't that great. The song was much better than when I remembered it too.
I looked up Itedaki Street PS2 music on a whim and stumbled upon my current favorite song: Dragon Quest 8's Battle in the Vast Sky/Heavens.
Everything about Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition.
The theme of Leisure Suit Larry. Which version? Any of them.
This song is one of the reasons why I haven't progressed as fast in Odyssey as most people, who have beaten it in two days. I just love to watch Mario dancing to this in front of the New Donk Players.
Etrian Odyssey III - Battlefield - The First Campaign (Super Arrange)

There probably won't be an Untold 3 but this is a good one. I'd like to play 3 some day but it was before they added standard difficulty so it'd be like playing expert difficulty in the others, and I struggle with standard superbosses let alone expert. It's a shame that a version of each game won't exist on the 3ds engine though, 3 got shafted in that sense.

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight - Battlefield - Swords Swung
From the game EDGE (Two Tribes), a game with techno and chiptune music, "Kakkoi" is considered the best theme. I found it energetic and catchy and motivating.

As an extra, here's one from Solstice, an NES game that doesn't have much music, but it has a great title theme (its level theme is also not bad):
Solstice (NES) - Title Theme
Solstice Music (NES) - Main BGM Theme

Thank you for reading.
For 1/3 of April, I've been addicted to Egg Hunt 2018: The Great Yolktales on Roblox. It even has an original soundtrack, and it's great. These tracks, in particular, are my favorite:

This one reminds me of New Donk City and Pauline.

Also, the subrealm this song plays in has a Sonic the Hedgehog vibe to it. This song is beautiful, by the way.

This one reminds me of Ratatoing from Video Brinquedo. (Y'know, the Ratatouille ripoff!)