What things do you regret doing on the wiki, forum, or etc.?

This is pretty minor considering the other things discussed here and the little time I've been on the forums at all, but I do wanna say that I regret making a post mocking Rose in this thread as we were having our public debate over Water versus Grass-type Pokémon. I caught Rose in some sort of out-of-context quote, like "Grass Pokémon are not very great" or something and then posted it in Duskull's thread. I didn't read the thread beforehand to check what the point was, and I didn't realize that only Duskull was posting there. Rose quickly chastised me by expressing his disappointment in my quoting him in a "serious thread", and I quickly took the post down. I don't know if anyone ever even saw it, but it did make me feel pretty embarrassed and I'm assuming it'll only be the first small mistake of many that I'll make.
Roller said:
Rose quickly chastised me by expressing his disappointment in my quoting him in a "serious thread", and I quickly took the post down.
You didn't actually have to take the post down, I was mostly just fooling around with you. I'm sorry if I made you that embarrassed by it, it wasn't an intentional thing. There's only a point to which you can call that thread serious anyway.
Specter Knight said:
I'm sorry if I made you that embarrassed by it, it wasn't an intentional thing.

It's alright, I guess I just realized that it was not funny and I felt kinda stupid for it lol

It's nothing to do with you, no worries
Seeing as how in a month I'll have been more or less active here for a year (assuming my "activity" starts with picking up a section in The 'Shroom, rather than with the 'Shroom KG, that is), it seems as good a time as any for some reflective ramblings:

- For my first two years after registering, I was extremely inactive around here outside of the Awards Pokémon Tournaments. I rarely posted and never really tried to reach out and talk to anyone either. Yet when I would post or interact with the community, it was a lot of cringeworthy comments, unproductive additions, or cases of saying things that must have seemed out of nowhere without context that I never provided. I do recall going into the IRC chat for the first time during the Chat Party for Awards and making some really pointless comment about not expecting the type of conversation that was going on.

- Even after becoming more active around here, I still don't say that much. I occasionally interact with some people over Discord or PM, but probably not to the extent that I should. I rarely post around here, but that's more a combination of being rather quiet in general and often times feeling like anything I might say has already been said in some form or another (particularly when it comes to discussing games or news).

- When I did start interacting with people over Discord, I may have been, ah, we'll say, too open. I just saw people discussing personal things and figured that doing so might have been a good way to show I was comfortable with the community. In retrospect, that was pretty clearly wrong and awkward and I do apologize for it.

- I also wonder if I wasn't too generous with the praise I gave out at some points. I don't mean to say that I would retract any nice things I've said about anyone here; if I said it, you can be assured I meant it. I just hope that it hasn't come across as excessive or odd. I want to give credit where I believe it's due, not sound like a creep.

- I'd be remiss to not mention the issues I had with 'Shroom KG Day III.

- Fumbling over my words sometimes and giving people the wrong impression over things (like saying I hoped for "good drama" in the 'Shroom KG and meaning it in the sense of a good narrative/theatrical drama but sounding like I wanted to see interpersonal drama).

- I feel I didn't learn the forum and wiki mark-up as quickly as I should have. Some of my older forum posts show that I didn't always know what I was doing with images (like, ah, very large ones) and such. And of course my earliest 'Shroom sections were just messes when it came to some of the wiki coding for images and such. As a matter of fact, Mario's Boombox took me longer than it should have to find a suitable style and set-up for writing. That said, I think it's been getting better lately, so that's good.

There's probably more critiques and things I could think of with more time, but that's all that comes off the top of my head. Of course, it hasn't all been problems. In these past few months, I've been able to speak to some great people, slowly show up more around here, join some tournaments coming up in the next few months, contribute 'Shroom sections of increasing quality, take a shot at hosting a tournament, and all in all start giving back to this community. That said, here's to a wonderful future on the Boards! I'm quite glad to be here with you all.
Now I have a better idea.

First were enemies from within the island (Tikis). Then were pillagers from afar coming to conquer it (Snowmads). Next step would be aliens arriving to subdue the whole planet, with a redneck Lanky Kong as the new shopkeeper.

My main gripe with that thread is how obnoxiously quirky I came across as. I'm sorry.
KPH2293 said:
I regret my handling of the whole Wayoshi/Willy scandal back in 2007. I should have told Steve of my suspicions.

I've allowed this to have more of an effect on me than it should have. At the time, it severely damaged my confidence as an administrator. I think I'm better than I once was, but there are still so many what-ifs that go through my mind from time to time.

One that I haven't really touched on before was what happened after this. I was the initial favorite to replace Wayoshi as bureaucrat, but I went inactive afterwards (my passion was gone). I often wonder how things would have gone had I remained active. If I had been promoted, how would I have fared? It seems like every time I come back here, these thoughts resurface. I suppose I need to accept that it's over (and has been for over a decade).

More than anything though, I regret falling out of touch with the community. Fortunately, that's something I can rectify.
I regret not being super involved with a lot of the community aspects of the forum. I hardly participate in Awards activities anymore and I don't think I've ever read the Shroom unless it was a special issue or if, and this is gonna sound really selfish, I had some sort of contribution to it. I don't use Discord and I've never played Mafia. And every time I go on chat it seems dead. And this is mostly just forum stuff. I hardly ever go on the Wiki at all anymore.

It's not that I don't like this community, it's just that I'm busy and I don't have time for a lot of these things.

Jesus Christ, how did you people not ban me? I was the biggest laughing stock.
If we can get Goomba for Super Mario Party or Thwomp on a freaking moped for Mario Kart 8 then I don't see why we can't get Wallop either.

Make it happen, Nintendo.
I regret acting real immature towards some people's opinions on the forum and the Discord server recently. I feel sorry for calling/denouncing people as misogynists for disliking/hating a few female characters like Peach and/or Roll. I was a bit immature and it really haunts me. It was really childish of me to do that. I realize that people's opinions on things can change/fluctuate over time and they can go from loving/liking someone to disliking/hating them. I mean don't get me wrong, I used to hate Peach at first but my opinion of her slowly got better to the point where I love her. Similarly, my sister used to like Peach but then she slowly started to despise her. I realize that lots of people don't really like Peach that much and that's fine, some peoples opinions go from hating her to loving her, people going from loving her to hating her, and people being neutral with her and not caring much about her. It does happen.

I also regret making that Peach needs a new voice actress thread. It also haunts me to this day. That thread was when I absolutely had enough of Peach's voice and disliked Peach a little bit because of Samantha Kelly. I was childish and my hate boner for Samantha Kelly's Peach voice was to an extreme. My opinion of Samantha Kelly's Peach has gotten better and so has my opinion of Peach and her voice. Back then, the only thing I liked about Peach were just her looks (especially her ponytail) and Jen Taylor's voice of her. Everything else, I just disliked and didn't care that much about. It was sometime after when I played Super Mario 3D World, I started to really really love Peach and I became fan of her. I used to be a complete hater, then went to love/hate state, and then now I fully love her and a big fan of her and Daisy.
What don't I regret, tbh. I joined the wiki when I was like 9 or 10, then proceeded to make up a bunch of horrible conjectural names (see: Screwer) and start ridiculous proposals about the weirdest stuff imaginable. And that's not even getting into the numerous rules I broke back then.
It wasn't that bad though

In fact, you didn't talk about it as much as you're making it sound
I regret getting banned, and I regret not trying to continue travel guide. I regret making travel guide a large story instead of the episodic adventure comedy it was always meant to be.
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
This is the only good thing that Nico has appeared in.
I'm pretty sure the only reason I disliked Nico was because I thought "anime bad".
I regret everything I've done here within the past few days and I hope I can get help soon because I'm so tired of being such a horrible human
Before I had an account, I made a guest edit to the 'Steve' page on the Mario Wiki saying that Steve was also the name of the Minecraft Protagonist.

It haunts me.
Before I had an account, I made a guest edit to the 'Steve' page on the Mario Wiki saying that Steve was also the name of the Minecraft Protagonist.

It haunts me.
Reminds me of something I saw over on WiKirby that said that Adeleine's KDL3 design resembled Christopher Robin. I have no idea how that stayed for so long but that was just the most random thing ever.
I am starting to regret posting my status update about me going to church. It has started a dumpster fire.