- Pronouns
- Use name
This is pretty minor considering the other things discussed here and the little time I've been on the forums at all, but I do wanna say that I regret making a post mocking Rose in this thread as we were having our public debate over Water versus Grass-type Pokémon. I caught Rose in some sort of out-of-context quote, like "Grass Pokémon are not very great" or something and then posted it in Duskull's thread. I didn't read the thread beforehand to check what the point was, and I didn't realize that only Duskull was posting there. Rose quickly chastised me by expressing his disappointment in my quoting him in a "serious thread", and I quickly took the post down. I don't know if anyone ever even saw it, but it did make me feel pretty embarrassed and I'm assuming it'll only be the first small mistake of many that I'll make.