Your Insistent Terminologies


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
Basically, official terms that you prefer to call on your own terms. There is a TVTropes page for this, but I am not linking it because of a common complaint that people wastes their time there if a link is present (don't say I didn't warn you).

I got the idea for this topic because, at Bulbagarden forums, certain users are insistent on using the Japanese names for anything, including the Pokemon, the characters and even places. This is most evident in the anime section where the Japanese episodes are released first, which means usage of Japanese terms are more apparent. This is not unprecedented, however, because certain anime fans use the Japanese names for characters despite the dub having English names for the characters.

Another example is the insistent use of Robotnik instead of Eggman by some people as they view the former to be a better name, even though Eggman is the most widespread use of the name. It's a special case though, as Robotnik is still considered official by Sega, though a somewhat low-key one.

For me, my Insistent Terminology is relatively minor. I insist on using the British spelling for anything English-sounding, so for example, even though the official name for certain names uses "Color", I insist on using "Colour", so I use Colour Change or Colour Splash instead of the official terms for it.

Thanks for reading.
I generally refer to Pokémon by their English names, but I prefer to use the name Kibago over Axew. I have no problem using the latter for the sake of clarity, I just like the former more.

I also refer to the rival from the Pokémon manga (i.e. the Gary equivalent) as Green instead of Blue, the way it is done in Japanese. Blue is the girl for me. I feel certain things just work better that way.

Whenever I talk about Digimon, I refer to everything by its Japanese name, because the various English localizations can't keep anything straight or consistent, so I settle for the original versions. Tailmon instead of Gatomon, Fladramon instead of Flamedramon, Armadimon instead of Armadillomon, etc.
It's weird for me with Dragon Ball. Nowadays I use Japanese terms like Tenshinhan, Kienzan, and Makankosappo.

At the same time, I still say Krillin, Spirit Bomb, Kami, and Master Roshi.
Oh boy, I get crazy when people refer to gulls as "seagulls" or the Democratic Party as "Democrat Party".

I also get riled up when people think "theory" refers to some wild guess and then they go further to think the evolutionary theory is "just a theory".

There are also people, usually within the video game communities, that think "remix" means a music with the same melody, but with different instruments and tempo or whatever, when it's closer to a "cover".
it's leviOsa, not leviosAH

I almost always refer to Pokémon and Digimon by their English names. The only exception is maybe Gatomon/Tailmon, and even then that's mostly because of the anime (where Gatomon is a girl, and I find it strange that a female cat is called gato and not gata).
GalacticPetey said:
It's weird for me with Dragon Ball. Nowadays I use Japanese terms like Tenshinhan, Kienzan, and Makankosappo.

At the same time, I still say Krillin, Spirit Bomb, Kami, and Master Roshi.
grew up watching the Spanish version so most things are closer to the Japanese versions like Ghenkidama(sp?) and Picoro Dai Maku, but still kept English things like Master Roshi was Maestro Roshi

apart from DB, there's other things like I perfer Ganon, Purrin(only cause of Melee), and i tend to say cr07(c r oh 7) instead of cristiano ronaldo
SpinyMaster347 said:
apart from DB, there's other things like I perfer Ganon, Purrin(only cause of Melee), and i tend to say cr07(c r oh 7) instead of cristiano ronaldo

In regards to Ganon, what are you referring to? This is very vague because there is a character known as Ganon (the pig monster that first appeared as a final boss in the first Legend of Zelda).

Thanks for reading.
winstein said:
SpinyMaster347 said:
apart from DB, there's other things like I perfer Ganon, Purrin(only cause of Melee), and i tend to say cr07(c r oh 7) instead of cristiano ronaldo

In regards to Ganon, what are you referring to? This is very vague because there is a character known as Ganon (the pig monster that first appeared as a final boss in the first Legend of Zelda).

Thanks for reading.
yeah they're two different characters but I almost always refer to ganondorf as ganon(I know it's wrong but it feels so right)
For Fire Emblem games, I will use the English names for characters from localised games, but for the Japanese only games I use the names for the fan translation I used (so I will never call Levin "Lewyn" or Sety "Ced").