Detective Pikachu movie???

This looks great. Aside Mr Mime, all the Pokemon look like they would in real life without being nightmare fuel, and Pikachu is just adorable. Still, it is pretty weird to see that Jiggs is actually furry, but that's ok, I also REALLY like Greninja's look. Looking forward to it.

There's a new trailer, and one of the Pokemon featured is Lickitung:

Personal opinion/observation time: One thing that RJ Palmer didn't really like about the Bulbasaur line is how the frog/toad is used as their basis of their inspiration, so his realistic Bulbasaur line gave it more of a dinosaur/lizard look (Note: Horny Toads are not amphibians). I don't know if the design in the movie had a toad look, but I imagine that he wanted to stray as much as possible from its froggy origin if he could. Even on these boards, some people found the idea that Bulbasaur's line is frog-like unacceptable, taking this post as an example.

As for me? Learning that Bulbasaur's line is based on frogs greatly increased my appreciation for this starter line, and is now on the top list of favourite starters. Loved the hops that they do in the games.

Thank you for reading.
Seeing Pokémon's Twitter account, I realised The company considers Movie Mr. Mime as a meme.
Second trailer is out. Seems to pretty much confirm that it's going to be loosely based on the game's plot with its own flair. As someone who's actually played the game, I'm curious to see how faithful it is to the game (not like I care if it's faithful to it anyways).

Spoilers ahead:

This ain't just Gen I, so please?

I'm actually gonna watch the movie today. It took WAY too long to arrive at my local cinema but here we are. I'm gonna hope the movie's good.