Alex95 The True Power Master Banned User Pronouns He/him MarioWiki Alex95 Nov 19, 2016 #51 If the above quote counts as a post: 1. If not: 2.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 19, 2016 Thread starter #52 Well since I was born in 2002 that kinda implies it ends the count...
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 19, 2016 Thread starter #54 Because it's fun.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 19, 2016 Thread starter #56 So two guys walk into a bar, and the third one ducks.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 20, 2016 Thread starter #59 A51, that is supposed to be a 0
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 20, 2016 Thread starter #61 No, a 0.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 22, 2016 Thread starter #65 Let's just go for your basic 0.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 22, 2016 Thread starter #67 No you don't.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Nov 30, 2016 Thread starter #71 No.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Dec 1, 2016 Thread starter #73 Well, this is futile.